Yukie Tanino
Yukie Tanino
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Laboratory investigation of mean drag in a random array of rigid, emergent cylinders
Y Tanino, HM Nepf
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 134 (1), 34-41, 2008
Lateral dispersion in random cylinder arrays at high Reynolds number
Y Tanino, HM Nepf
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 600, 339-371, 2008
Capillary trapping in sandstones and carbonates: Dependence on pore structure
Y Tanino, MJ Blunt
Water Resources Research 48 (8), 2012
Gravity currents in aquatic canopies
Y Tanino, HM Nepf, PS Kulis
Water resources research 41 (12), 2005
Laboratory investigation of capillary trapping under mixed‐wet conditions
Y Tanino, MJ Blunt
Water Resources Research 49 (7), 4311-4319, 2013
Discussion of “Laboratory investigation of mean drag in a random array of rigid, emergent cylinders” by Yukie Tanino and Heidi M. Nepf
RM Ferreira, AM Ricardo, MJ Franca
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 135 (8), 690-693, 2009
Laboratory investigation of lateral dispersion within dense arrays of randomly distributed cylinders at transitional Reynolds number
Y Tanino, HM Nepf
Physics of Fluids 21 (4), 2009
Recreating mineralogical petrographic heterogeneity within microfluidic chips: assembly, examples, and applications
SA Bowden, Y Tanino, B Akamairo, M Christensen
Lab on a Chip 16 (24), 4677-4681, 2016
Oil/water displacement in microfluidic packed beds under weakly water-wetting conditions: competition between precursor film flow and piston-like displacement
Y Tanino, X Zacarias-Hernandez, M Christensen
Experiments in Fluids 59, 1-11, 2018
Waterflood oil recovery from mixed-wet limestone: dependence upon the contact angle
M Christensen, Y Tanino
Energy & Fuels 31 (2), 1529-1535, 2017
Capillary trapping in water-wet sandstones: coreflooding experiments and pore-network modeling
CH Pentland, Y Tanino, S Iglauer, MJ Blunt
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition?, SPE-133798-MS, 2010
Enhanced permeability due to apparent oil/brine slippage in limestone and its dependence on wettability
M Christensen, Y Tanino
Geophysical Research Letters 44 (12), 6116-6123, 2017
Automated extraction of in situ contact angles from micro-computed tomography images of porous media
A Ibekwe, D Pokrajac, Y Tanino
Computers & Geosciences 137, 104425, 2020
Imbibition capillary pressure and relative permeability of mixed-wet microporous rock: New insights from history matching
Y Tanino, M Christensen
Transport in Porous Media 129, 121-148, 2019
Experimental investigation of lateral dispersion in aquatic canopies
Y Tanino, HM Nepf
32nd Congress of IAHR, 2007
Impact of displacement rate on waterflood oil recovery under mixed-wet conditions
Y Tanino, B Akamairo, M Christensen, SA Bowden
Proceedings of the International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts, 2015
Residual saturation of water-wet sandstones: experiments, correlations and pore-scale modeling
C Pentland, S Iglauer, Y Tanino, M Blunt
SPE 133798, 2010
Flow and solute transport in random cylinder arrays: A model for emergent aquatic plant canopies
Y Tanino
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2008
Impact of grain roughness on residual nonwetting phase cluster size distribution in packed columns of uniform spheres
Y Tanino, A Ibekwe, D Pokrajac
Physical Review E 102 (1), 013109, 2020
Residual oil saturation under mixed-wet conditions: optimal wettability revisited
M Christensen, Y Tanino
Proc International symposium of the society of core analysts, SCA2018–011 …, 2018
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Articles 1–20