Naman Jain
Cited by
Cited by
PlantDoc: A dataset for visual plant disease detection
D Singh, N Jain, P Jain, P Kayal, S Kumawat, N Batra
Proceedings of the 7th ACM IKDD CoDS and 25th COMAD, 249-253, 2020
AgriBot: agriculture-specific question answer system
N Jain, P Jain, P Kayal, J Sahit, S Pachpande, J Choudhari
OSF, 2019
NLPExplorer: Exploring the Universe of NLP Papers
M Parmar, N Jain, P Jain, P Jayakrishna Sahit, S Pachpande, S Singh, ...
Advances in Information Retrieval: 42nd European Conference on IR Research …, 2020
The Evolving Ecosystem of Predatory Journals: A Case Study in Indian Perspective
N Jain, M Singh
International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries, 2019
PredCheck: detecting predatory behaviour in scholarly world
MS Bedmutha, K Modi, K Patel, N Jain, M Singh
Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE joint conference on digital libraries in 2020 …, 2020
ACL-SQL: Generating SQL queries from natural language
R Kaoshik, R Patil, S Agarawal, N Jain, M Singh
Proceedings of the 3rd ACM India Joint International Conference on Data …, 2021
TweetPap: A Dataset to Study the Social Media Discourse of Scientific Papers
N Jain, M Singh
Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries in 2021, 2021
SentEmoji: a dataset to generate empathising conversations
A Ravi, AKS Yadav, J Chauhan, J Dholakia, N Jain
Proceedings of the 7th ACM IKDD CoDS and 25th COMAD, 345-346, 2020
Bollyrics: Automatic Lyrics Generator for Romanised Hindi
N Jain, A Chauhan, A Chewale, O Mithbavkar, U Shah, M Singh, 2020
TiZen: Neural Title Generation for Scientific Papers
H Jain, A Jain, C Maji, A Tiwari, N Jain
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Articles 1–10