Ali Katanforoush
Ali Katanforoush
Assistant Professor of Department of Computer Science, Shahid Beheshti University
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Distributing points on the sphere, I
A Katanforoush, M Shahshahani
Experimental Mathematics 12 (2), 199-209, 2003
ISCMF: Integrated similarity-constrained matrix factorization for drug–drug interaction prediction
N Rohani, C Eslahchi, A Katanforoush
Network Modeling Analysis in Health Informatics and Bioinformatics 9, 1-8, 2020
A tale of two symmetrical tails: Structural and functional characteristics of palindromes in proteins
A Sheari, M Kargar, A Katanforoush, S Arab, M Sadeghi, H Pezeshk, ...
BMC bioinformatics 9, 1-7, 2008
Global precedence changes by environment: A systematic review and meta-analysis on effect of perceptual field variables on global-local visual processing
Z Rezvani, A Katanforoush, H Pouretemad
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 82 (5), 2348-2359, 2020
Effect of PITX2 knockdown on transcriptome of primary human trabecular meshwork cell cultures
SH Paylakhi, JB Fan, M Mehrabian, M Sadeghizadeh, S Yazdani, ...
Molecular Vision 17, 1209, 2011
Identification of novel key regulatory lncRNAs in gastric adenocarcinoma
H Razavi, A Katanforosh
BMC genomics 23 (1), 352, 2022
Solvent accessibility, residue charge and residue volume, the three ingredients of a robust amino acid substitution matrix
H Goodarzi, A Katanforoush, N Torabi, HS Najafabadi
Journal of theoretical biology 245 (4), 715-725, 2007
Global haplotype partitioning for maximal associated SNP pairs
A Katanforoush, M Sadeghi, H Pezeshk, E Elahi
BMC bioinformatics 10, 1-16, 2009
Personalization of the collaborator recommendation system in multi‐layer scientific social networks: A case study of ResearchGate
Z Roozbahani, J Rezaeenour, A Katanforoush, A Jalaly Bidgoly
Expert Systems 39 (5), e12932, 2022
Community detection in multi-relational directional networks
Z Roozbahani, J Rezaeenour, A Katanforoush
Journal of Computational Science 67, 101962, 2023
How Iranian Instagram users act for parliament election campaign? a study based on followee network
Z Aminolroaya, A Katanforoush
2017 3th International Conference on Web Research (ICWR), 1-6, 2017
A Semi-supervised Fake News Detection using Sentiment Encoding and LSTM with Self-Attention
P Shaeri, A Katanforoush
2023 13th International Conference on Computer and Knowledge Engineering …, 2023
Accelerating datapath merging by task parallelisation on multicore systems
M Fazlali, MK Fallah, N Hosseinpour, A Katanforoush
International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems 34 (5 …, 2019
Evolution of ‘Ligand‐Diffusion Chreodes’ on Protein‐Surface Models: A Genetic‐Algorithm Study
SA Marashi, M Kargar, A Katanforoush, H Abolhassani, M Sadeghi
Chemistry & Biodiversity 4 (12), 2766-2771, 2007
Parallel implementation of quorum planted (ℓ, d) motif search on multi-core/many-core platforms
FS Kazemian, M Fazlali, A Katanforoush, M Rezvani
Microprocessors and Microsystems 46, 255-263, 2016
An analysis of gene expression variations in lymphoma, using a fuzzy classification model
Z Roozbahani, J Rezaei Noor, M Yari Eili, A Katanforoush
Health Management & Information Science 4 (1), 1-6, 2017
Recognition of Farsi handwriting strokes using profile HMM
A Katanforoush, Z Rezvani
2015 2nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis …, 2015
Classification of gene expression data using multiple ranker evaluators and neural network
Z Roozbahani, A Katanforoush
CICIS 12, 29-31, 2012
How unseen communities of Instagram users are revealed using the real-valued collocations of hashtags
SA Bejandi, A Katanforoush
2017 IEEE 4th International Conference on Knowledge-Based Engineering and …, 2017
A stroke-level wordnet for Farsi handwriting recognition
A Esfahani, F Farahnak, A Katanforoush
2015 9th Iranian Conference on Machine Vision and Image Processing (MVIP …, 2015
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Articles 1–20