Simon Tam
Cited by
Cited by
A fully embedded adaptive real-time hand gesture classifier leveraging HD-sEMG and deep learning
S Tam, M Boukadoum, A Campeau-Lecours, B Gosselin
IEEE transactions on biomedical circuits and systems 14 (2), 232-243, 2019
Intuitive real-time control strategy for high-density myoelectric hand prosthesis using deep and transfer learning
S Tam, M Boukadoum, A Campeau-Lecours, B Gosselin
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 11275, 2021
Novel wearable HD-EMG sensor with shift-robust gesture recognition using deep learning
F Chamberland, É Buteau, S Tam, E Campbell, A Mortazavi, E Scheme, ...
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, 2023
A wearable wireless armband sensor for high-density surface electromyography recording
S Tam, G Bilodeau, J Brown, G Gagnon-Turcotte, A Campeau-Lecours, ...
2019 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2019
Detection of neuromuscular activity using new non-invasive and flexible multimaterial fiber dry-electrodes
M Roudjane, S Tam, Q Mascret, CL Fall, M Bielmann, RAD de Faria, ...
IEEE Sensors Journal 19 (23), 11624-11633, 2019
Forearm high-density electromyography data visualization and classification with machine learning for hand prosthesis control
S Tam, M Boukadoum, A Campeau-Lecours, B Gosselin
2020 42nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2020
Non-invasive and flexible electrodes based on multimaterial fiber for sEMG signal detection
CL Fall, M Roudjane, S Ghafouri, Q Mascret, M Bielmann, S Tam, JS Roy, ...
2018 IEEE Life Sciences Conference (LSC), 179-182, 2018
Siamese convolutional neural network and few-shot learning for embedded gesture recognition
S Tam, M Boukadoum, A Campeau-Lecours, B Gosselin
2022 20th IEEE Interregional NEWCAS Conference (NEWCAS), 114-118, 2022
A biosensor that learns on the go
S Tam, B Gosselin
Nature Electronics 4 (1), 15-16, 2021
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Articles 1–9