Steven Yang
Steven Yang
Standards and Calibration Laboratory
在 itc.gov.hk 的电子邮件经过验证
Frequency reconfigurable U-slot microstrip patch antenna
SLS Yang, AA Kishk, KF Lee
IEEE Antennas and Wireless propagation letters 7, 127-129, 2008
Design and study of wideband single feed circularly polarized microstrip antennas
S Yang, KF Lee, A Kishk, KM Luk
Progress In Electromagnetics Research 80, 45-61, 2008
Dual-and multiband U-slot patch antennas
KF Lee, SLS Yang, AA Kishk
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 7, 645-647, 2008
The versatile U-slot patch antenna
KF Lee, SLS Yang, AA Kishk, KM Luk
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine 52 (1), 71-88, 2010
Wideband circularly polarized antenna with L-shaped slot
SLS Yang, AA Kishk, KF Lee
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 56 (6), 1780-1783, 2008
Design of a wide-band L-probe patch antenna for pattern reconfiguration or diversity applications
SLS Yang, KM Luk
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 54 (2), 433-438, 2006
Study on sequential feeding networks for subarrays of circularly polarized elliptical dielectric resonator antenna
SS Yang, R Chair, AA Kishk, KF Lee, KM Luk
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 55 (2), 321-333, 2007
Aperture fed wideband circularly polarized rectangular stair shaped dielectric resonator antenna
R Chair, SLS Yang, AA Kishk, KF Lee, KM Luk
IEEE transactions on antennas and propagation 54 (4), 1350-1352, 2006
Antenna with a C-shaped slot nested within an L-shaped slot and mobile device employing the antenna
FM Badaruzzaman, SLS Yang, M Kuhn
US Patent 8,587,491, 2013
A wideband L-probes fed circularly-polarized reconfigurable microstrip patch antenna
SLS Yang, KM Luk
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 56 (2), 581-584, 2008
A dual-polarized antenna with pattern diversity
SLS Yang, KM Luk, HW Lai, AA Kishk, KF Lee
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine 50 (6), 71-79, 2008
Mechanical strength of extrusion freeformed calcium phosphate filaments
HY Yang, XP Chi, S Yang, JRG Evans
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine 21, 1503-1510, 2010
Functional ceramic materials database: An online resource for materials research
DJ Scott, S Manos, PV Coveney, JCH Rossiny, S Fearn, JA Kilner, ...
Journal of chemical information and modeling 48 (2), 449-455, 2008
The design of microstrip patch antenna with four polarizations
SLS Yang, AA Kishk, KF Lee, KM Luk, HW Lai
2008 IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium, 467-470, 2008
Narrow-beam azimuthally omni-directional millimetre-wave antenna using freeformed cylindrical woodpile cavity
Y Lee, X Lu, Y Hao, S Yang, JRG Evans, CG Parini
IET microwaves, antennas & propagation 4 (10), 1491-1499, 2010
Control of particle segregation during drying of ceramic suspension droplets
Y Zhang, L Chen, S Yang, JRG Evans
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 27 (5), 2229-2235, 2007
A technology to improve formability for rectangular cross section component hydroforming
GN Chu, G Chen, BG Chen, S Yang
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 72, 801-808, 2014
Wideband foldedpatch antennas fed by Lshaped probe
SSL Yang, KM Luk
Microwave and Optical Technology Letters 45 (4), 352-355, 2005
Dual and triple band stacked patch antennas with U-slots
KF Lee, KM Luk, T Mak, S Yang
Proceedings of the Fourth European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, 1-5, 2010
Protocols for printing thick film ceramic libraries using the London University Search Instrument (LUSI)
L Chen, Y Zhang, S Yang, JRG Evans
Review of Scientific Instruments 78 (7), 2007
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