Stephan Van den Broucke
Stephan Van den Broucke
Professor of Health Psychology and Prevention, Université Catholique de Louvain
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Cited by
Health literacy and public health: A systematic review and integration of definitions and models
K Sřrensen, S Van den Broucke, J Fullam, G Doyle, J Pelikan, Z Slonska, ...
BMC Public Health 12, 80, 2012
Health literacy in Europe: comparative results of the European health literacy survey (HLS-EU)
K Sřrensen, JM Pelikan, F Röthlin, K Ganahl, Z Slonska, G Doyle, ...
The European journal of public health 25 (6), 1053-1058, 2015
Measuring health literacy in populations: illuminating the design and development process of the European Health Literacy Survey Questionnaire (HLS-EU-Q)
K Sřrensen, S Van den Broucke, JM Pelikan, J Fullam, G Doyle, ...
BMC public health 13, 1-10, 2013
Does health literacy mediate the relationship between socioeconomic status and health disparities? Integrative review
C Stormacq, S Van den Broucke, J Wosinski
Health promotion international 34 (5), e1-e17, 2019
Why health promotion matters to the COVID-19 pandemic, and vice versa
S Van den Broucke
Health promotion international 35 (2), 181-186, 2020
Measuring health literacy in Asia: Validation of the HLS-EU-Q47 survey tool in six Asian countries
TV Duong, A Aringazina, G Baisunova, TV Pham, KM Pham, TQ Truong, ...
Journal of epidemiology 27 (2), 80-86, 2017
Factors associated with prevalence and severity of caries experience in preschool children
D Declerck, R Leroy, L Martens, E Lesaffre, MJ Garcia‐Zattera, ...
Community dentistry and oral epidemiology 36 (2), 168-178, 2007
A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effectiveness of nudging to increase fruit and vegetable choice
VJV Broers, C De Breucker, S Van den Broucke, O Luminet
The European Journal of Public Health 27 (5), 912-920, 2017
Measuring cognitive determinants of speeding: An application of the theory of planned behaviour
H Paris, SV Broucke
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 11 (3), 168-180, 2008
Health literacy and the use of healthcare services in Belgium
J Vandenbosch, S Van den Broucke, S Vancorenland, H Avalosse, ...
J Epidemiol Community Health 70 (10), 1032-1038, 2016
Health literacy in Taiwan: a population-based study
VT Duong, IF Lin, K Sorensen, JM Pelikan, S Van Den Broucke, YC Lin, ...
Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health 27 (8), 871-880, 2015
Health literacy: a critical concept for public health
S Van den Broucke
Archives of Public Health 72, 1-2, 2014
Effects of health literacy interventions on health-related outcomes in socioeconomically disadvantaged adults living in the community: a systematic review
C Stormacq, J Wosinski, E Boillat, S Van den Broucke
JBI evidence synthesis 18 (7), 1389-1469, 2020
Measuring determinants of occupational health related behavior in Flemish farmers: an application of the theory of planned behavior
A Colémont, S Van den Broucke
Journal of safety research 39 (1), 55-64, 2008
(HLS-EU) Consortium Health Literacy Project European.(2012). Health literacy and public health: A systematic review and integration of definitions and models
K Sřrensen, S Van den Broucke, J Fullam, G Doyle, J Pelikan, Z Slonska, ...
BMC Public Health 12 (1), 80, 0
When knowing is not enough: Emotional distress and depression reduce the positive effects of health literacy on diabetes self-management
L Schinckus, F Dangoisse, S Van den Broucke, M Mikolajczak
Patient education and counseling 101 (2), 324-330, 2018
Implementing the Health Promoting University approach in culturally different contexts: a systematic review
M Suárez-Reyes, S Van den Broucke
Global health promotion 23 (1_suppl), 46-56, 2016
Validity and measurement invariance across sex, age, and education level of the French short versions of the European Health Literacy Survey Questionnaire
A Rouquette, T Nadot, P Labitrie, S Van den Broucke, J Mancini, L Rigal, ...
PloS one 13 (12), e0208091, 2018
IUHPE Position Statement on Health Literacy: a practical vision for a health literate world
J Bröder, P Chang, I Kickbusch, D Levin-Zamir, E McElhinney, D Nutbeam, ...
International Union for Health Promotion and Education, IUHPE Global Working …, 2018
Eating disorders and marital relationships
J Norre, S Van den Broucke, W Vandereycken
Routledge, 2006
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Articles 1–20