Jose Antonio Iglesias
Jose Antonio Iglesias
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Cited by
Evolving fuzzy and neuro-fuzzy approaches in clustering, regression, identification, and classification: A survey
I Škrjanc, JA Iglesias, A Sanchis, D Leite, E Lughofer, F Gomide
Information sciences 490, 344-368, 2019
Creating evolving user behavior profiles automatically
JA Iglesias, P Angelov, A Ledezma, A Sanchis
IEEE transactions on knowledge and data engineering 24 (5), 854-867, 2011
Online activity recognition using evolving classifiers
FJ Ordóñez, JA Iglesias, P De Toledo, A Ledezma, A Sanchis
Expert Systems with Applications 40 (4), 1248-1255, 2013
Human activity recognition based on evolving fuzzy systems
JA Iglesias, P Angelov, A Ledezma, A Sanchis
International journal of neural systems 20 (05), 355-364, 2010
Evolving classification of agents’ behaviors: a general approach
JA Iglesias, P Angelov, A Ledezma, A Sanchis
Evolving Systems 1, 161-171, 2010
Web news mining in an evolving framework
JA Iglesias, A Tiemblo, A Ledezma, A Sanchis
Information Fusion 28, 90-98, 2016
Autonomously evolving classifier TEDAClass
D Kangin, P Angelov, JA Iglesias
Information Sciences 366, 1-11, 2016
Evolving cloud-based system for the recognition of drivers’ actions
I Škrjanc, G Andonovski, A Ledezma, O Sipele, JA Iglesias, A Sanchis
Expert systems with applications 99, 231-238, 2018
Fault detection and identification methodology under an incremental learning framework applied to industrial machinery
JA Carino, M Delgado-Prieto, JA Iglesias, A Sanchis, D Zurita, M Millan, ...
IEEE access 6, 49755-49766, 2018
Two-dimensional shape optimization with nearly conformal transformations
JA Iglesias, K Sturm, F Wechsung
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 40 (6), A3807-A3830, 2018
Impact of the learners diversity and combination method on the generation of heterogeneous classifier ensembles
MP Sesmero, JA Iglesias, E Magán, A Ledezma, A Sanchis
Applied Soft Computing 111, 107689, 2021
Creating user profiles from a command-line interface: A statistical approach
JA Iglesias, A Ledezma, A Sanchis
User Modeling, Adaptation, and Personalization: 17th International …, 2009
Social network analysis: Evolving Twitter mining
JA Iglesias, A Garcia-Cuerva, A Ledezma, A Sanchis
2016 IEEE International conference on systems, man, and cybernetics (SMC …, 2016
Sequence classification using statistical pattern recognition
JA Iglesias, A Ledezma, A Sanchis
Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis VII: 7th International Symposium on …, 2007
Modelling evolving user behaviours
JA Iglesias, P Angelov, A Ledezma, A Sanchis
2009 IEEE Workshop on Evolving and Self-Developing Intelligent Systems, 16-23, 2009
Cycle and semantic consistent adversarial domain adaptation for reducing simulation-to-real domain shift in lidar bird's eye view
A Barrera, J Beltrán, C Guindel, JA Iglesias, F García
2021 IEEE International Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC …, 2021
Evolving classifier TEDAClass for big data
D Kangin, P Angelov, JA Iglesias, A Sanchis
Procedia Computer Science 53, 9-18, 2015
Birdnet+: two-stage 3d object detection in lidar through a sparsity-invariant bird’s eye view
A Barrera, J Beltran, C Guindel, JA Iglesias, F Garcia
IEEE Access 9, 160299-160316, 2021
User modeling: Through statistical analysis and subspace learning
E García-Cuesta, JA Iglesias
Expert Systems with Applications 39 (5), 5243-5250, 2012
Ensemble method based on individual evolving classifiers
JA Iglesias, A Ledezma, A Sanchis
2013 IEEE conference on evolving and adaptive intelligent systems (EAIS), 56-61, 2013
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Articles 1–20