Irene Dowding (Winkler)
Irene Dowding (Winkler)
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Cited by
Automatic classification of artifactual ICA-components for artifact removal in EEG signals
I Winkler, S Haufe, M Tangermann
Behavioral and brain functions 7, 1-15, 2011
On the influence of high-pass filtering on ICA-based artifact reduction in EEG-ERP
I Winkler, S Debener, KR Müller, M Tangermann
2015 37th annual international conference of the IEEE engineering in …, 2015
Robust artifactual independent component classification for BCI practitioners
I Winkler, S Brandl, F Horn, E Waldburger, C Allefeld, M Tangermann
Journal of neural engineering 11 (3), 035013, 2014
Removal of muscular artifacts in EEG signals: a comparison of linear decomposition methods
L Frølich, I Dowding
Brain informatics 5 (1), 13-22, 2018
Validity of time reversal for testing Granger causality
I Winkler, D Panknin, D Bartz, KR Müller, S Haufe
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 64 (11), 2746-2760, 2016
Frontal EEG asymmetry based classification of emotional valence using common spatial patterns
I Winkler, M Jäger, V Mihajlovic, T Tsoneva
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 45, 373-378, 2010
Powerful statistical inference for nested data using sufficient summary statistics
I Dowding, S Haufe
Frontiers in human neuroscience 12, 103, 2018
Identifying Granger causal relationships between neural power dynamics and variables of interest
I Winkler, S Haufe, AK Porbadnigk, KR Müller, S Dähne
NeuroImage 111, 489-504, 2015
Investigating effects of different artefact types on motor imagery BCI
L Frølich, I Winkler, KR Müller, W Samek
2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2015
Classification of artifactual ICA components
M Tangermann, I Winkler, S Haufe, B Blankertz
Int J Bioelectromagnetism 11 (2), 110-114, 2009
Removal of muscular artefacts for the analysis of brain oscillations: Comparison between ICA and SSD
I Winkler, S Haufe, KR Mueller
ICML workshop on statistics, machine learning and neuroscience (Stamlins 2015), 2015
Fusing simultaneous EEG and fMRI using functional and anatomical information
ST Hansen, I Winkler, LK Hansen, KR Müller, S Dähne
2015 International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in NeuroImaging, 33-36, 2015
On the extraction, classification and causal analysis of EEG signal components
I Winkler
Assessing the applicability of NDVI data for the design of index-based agricultural insurance in Bihar, India
I Winkler, M Mehra, S Favrichon, V Sharma, N Jangle
2015 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS …, 2015
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Articles 1–14