Jing Huang
Jing Huang
Clean Power Research
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Best practices handbook for the collection and use of solar resource data for solar energy applications
M Sengupta, A Habte, S Wilbert, C Gueymard, J Remund
National Renewable Energy Lab.(NREL), Golden, CO (United States), 2021
A review of solar forecasting, its dependence on atmospheric sciences and implications for grid integration: Towards carbon neutrality
D Yang, W Wang, CA Gueymard, T Hong, J Kleissl, J Huang, MJ Perez, ...
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 161, 112348, 2022
The effects of canopy leaf area index on airflow across forest edges
M Cassiani, G Katul, J Albertson, J Huang
28th Conference on Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2008
A semi-empirical approach using gradient boosting and k-nearest neighbors regression for GEFCom2014 probabilistic solar power forecasting
J Huang, M Perry
International Journal of Forecasting, 2015
Simulating low-carbon electricity supply for Australia
M Lenzen, B McBain, T Trainer, S Jütte, O Rey-Lescure, J Huang
Applied Energy 179, 553-564, 2016
Turbulence and Vertical Fluxes in the Stable Atmospheric Boundary-Layer I: A Large-Eddy Simulation Study
J Huang, E Bou-Zeid
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 2013
An analytical comparison of four approaches to modelling the daily variability of solar irradiance using meteorological records
J Huang, A Troccoli, P Coppin
Renewable energy 72, 195-202, 2014
The effects of vegetation density on coherent turbulent structures within the canopy sublayer: a large-eddy simulation study
J Huang, M Cassiani, JD Albertson
Boundary-layer meteorology 133, 253-275, 2009
Assessment of atmospheric aerosols from two reanalysis products over Australia
SK Mukkavilli, AA Prasad, RA Taylor, J Huang, RM Mitchell, A Troccoli, ...
Atmospheric research 215, 149-164, 2019
Assessing model performance of daily solar irradiance forecasts over Australia
J Huang, LJ Rikus, Y Qin, J Katzfey
Solar Energy 176 (December 2018), 615-626, 2018
Assessing the value of simulated regional weather variability in solar forecasting using numerical weather prediction
J Huang, M Thatcher
Solar Energy 144, 529-539, 2017
Intercomparison of Large-Eddy Simulations of the Antarctic Boundary Layer for Very Stable Stratification
F Couvreux, E Bazile, Q Rodier, B Maronga, G Matheou, MJ Chinita, ...
Boundary Layer Meteorology, 2020
Analysis of coherent structures within the atmospheric boundary layer
J Huang, M Cassiani, JD Albertson
Boundary-layer meteorology 131, 147-171, 2009
Turbulence and Vertical Fluxes in the Stable Atmospheric Boundary-Layer II: A Novel Mixing Length Model
J Huang, E Bou-Zeid, JC Golaz
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 2013
The role of coherent turbulent structures in explaining scalar dissimilarity within the canopy sublayer
J Huang, G Katul, J Albertson
Environmental Fluid Mechanics 13 (6), 571-599, 2013
Shifting air-conditioner load in residential buildings: Benefits for low-carbon integrated power grids
SMH Ali, M Lenzen, J Huang
IET Renewable Power Generation, 2018
Coherent turbulent structures across a vegetation discontinuity
J Huang, M Cassiani, JD Albertson
Boundary-layer meteorology 140, 1-22, 2011
Predicting intra-hour variability of solar irradiance using hourly local weather forecasts
J Huang, RJ Davy
Solar Energy 139, 633-639, 2016
Improving the accuracy of hourly satellite-derived solar irradiance by combining with dynamically downscaled estimates using generalised additive models
RJ Davy, JR Huang, A Troccoli
Solar Energy 135, 854-863, 2016
Estimating Surface Solar Irradiance from Geostationary Himawari-8 over Australia: a Physics-Based Method with Calibration
Y Qin, J Huang, TR McVicar, S West, M Khan, ADL Steven
Solar Energy 220, 119-129, 2021
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