Gwelen Paliaga
Gwelen Paliaga
Technical Director, TRC
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Cited by
Operable windows, personal control and occupant comfort.
G Brager, G Paliaga, R De Dear
Air movement preferences observed in office buildings
H Zhang, E Arens, SA Fard, C Huizenga, G Paliaga, G Brager, L Zagreus
International journal of Biometeorology 51, 349-360, 2007
Moving air for comfort
E Arens, S Turner, H Zhang, G Paliaga
Milagrito, a TeV air-shower array
R Atkins, W Benbow, D Berley, ML Chen, DG Coyne, RS Delay, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2000
Dual Maximum VAV Box Control Logic.
ST Taylor, J Stein, G Paliaga, H Cheng
Ashrae Journal 54 (12), 2012
Ceiling fans: Predicting indoor air speeds based on full scale laboratory measurements
P Raftery, J Fizer, W Chen, Y He, H Zhang, E Arens, S Schiavon, ...
Building and Environment 155, 210-223, 2019
Indoor climatic influences on the operation of windows in a naturally ventilated building
V Inkarojrit, G Paliaga
Proceedings of the 21st international conference on passive and low energy …, 2004
Results from the beam test of the engineering model of the GLAST large area telescope
EC e Silva, P Anthony, R Arnold, H Arrighi, E Bloom, B Baughman, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2001
Estimating ASHRAE Guideline 36 energy savings for multi-zone variable air volume systems using Spawn of EnergyPlus
K Zhang, D Blum, H Cheng, G Paliaga, M Wetter, J Granderson
Journal of Building Performance Simulation 15 (2), 215-236, 2022
Evaluation of a cost-responsive supply air temperature reset strategy in an office building
P Raftery, S Li, B Jin, M Ting, G Paliaga, H Cheng
Energy and Buildings 158, 356-370, 2018
ASHRAE STANDARD Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy
SC Turner, EA Arens, RM Aynsley, GS Brager, JJ Deringer, JM Ferguson, ...
ASHRAE: Peachtree Corners, GA, USA, 2010
Effects of diffuser airflow minima on occupant comfort, air mixing, and building energy use (RP-1515)
E Arens, H Zhang, T Hoyt, S Kaam, F Bauman, Y Zhai, G Paliaga, J Stein, ...
Science and Technology for the Built Environment 21 (8), 1075-1090, 2015
Thermal environmental conditions for human occupancy
G Paliaga, LJ Schoen, PF Alspach, EA Arens, RM Aynsley, R Bean, ...
Physiology 58, 2013
Time-averaged ventilation for optimized control of variable-air-volume systems
S Kaam, P Raftery, H Cheng, G Paliaga
Energy and Buildings 139, 465-475, 2017
American society of heating, refrigerating and air-conditioning engineers
SC Turner, G Paliaga, BM Lynch, EA Arens, RM Aynsley, GS Brager, ...
Int J Refrig 2 (1), 56-57, 1979
Quantifying energy losses in hot water reheat systems
P Raftery, A Geronazzo, H Cheng, G Paliaga
Energy and Buildings 179, 183-199, 2018
Thermal and air quality acceptability in buildings that reduce energy by reducing minimun airflow from overhead diffusers
E Arens, H Zhang, T Hoyt, S Kaam, J Goins, F Bauman, Y Zhai, T Webster, ...
Eliminating overcooling discomfort while saving energy
G Paliaga, H Zhang, T Hoyt, E Arens
Gamma-ray Large-Area Space Telescope (GLAST) balloon flight engineering model: overview
DJ Thompson, G Godfrey, SM Williams, JE Grove, T Mizuno, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 49 (4), 1898-1903, 2002
Sunlight and indoor thermal comfort
E Arens, D Heinzerling, G Paliaga
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Articles 1–20