Christof van Nimwegen
Christof van Nimwegen
Associate Professor
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Cited by
A meta-analysis of the cognitive and motivational effects of serious games.
P Wouters, C van Nimwegen, H Van Oostendorp, ED Van Der Spek
Journal of educational psychology 105 (2), 249, 2013
Locating information in an online newspaper
H van Oostendorp, C van Nimwegen
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 4 (1), JCMC411, 1998
The influence of structure and reading-manipulation on usability of hypertexts
C van Nimwegen, M Pouw, H van Oostendorp
Interacting with computers 12 (1), 7-21, 1999
Do people say what they think: Social conformity behavior in varying degrees of online social presence
L Laporte, C van Nimwegen, AJ Uyttendaele
Proceedings of the 6th nordic conference on human-computer interaction …, 2010
Game-based learning and the role of feedback. A case study
D Burgos, C van Nimwegen, H Van Oostendorp, R Koper
Advanced Technology for Learning 4 (4), 188-193, 2007
The paradox of the assisted user: guidance can be counterproductive
C van Nimwegen, D Burgos, H van Oostendorp, HHJM Schijf
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human Factors in computing systems …, 2006
Interest based selection of user generated content for rich communication services
M Strobbe, O Van Laere, S Dauwe, B Dhoedt, F De Turck, P Demeester, ...
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 33 (2), 84-97, 2010
The questionable impact of an assisting interface on performance in transfer situations
C van Nimwegen, H van Oostendorp
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 39 (3), 501-508, 2009
The paradox of the guided user: assistance can be counter-effective
C van Nimwegen
Doctoral dissertation - Universiteit Utrecht, 2008
Does an interface with less assistance provoke more thoughtful behavior?
C van Nimwegen, H Van Oostendorp, D Burgos, R Koper
The international conference on Learning sciences, 785–791, 2006
Effects on cognition of the burn after reading principle in ephemeral media applications
C Van Nimwegen, K Bergman
Behaviour & Information Technology 38 (10), 1060-1067, 2019
A test case for GameDNA: conceptualizing a serious game to measure personality traits
C van Nimwegen, H van Oostendorp, J Modderman, M Bas
2011 16th International Conference on Computer Games (CGAMES), 217-222, 2011
The role of interface style in planning during problem solving
C van Nimwegen, H van Oostendorp, HJM Tabachneck-Schijf, B Bara, ...
Proceedings of the 27th Annual Cognitive Science Conference, 2271-2276, 2005
Externalization vs. Internalization: the influence on problem solving performance
C van Nimwegen, H van Oostendorp, H Schijf
IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, 2004 …, 2004
The diy smart experiences project: a european endeavour removing barriers for user-generated internet of things applications
M Roelands, J Plomp, DC Mansilla, JR Velasco, I Salhi, GM Lee, N Crespi, ...
Architecting the Internet of Things, 279-315, 2011
Shopping in the dark: Effects of platform choice on dark pattern recognition
C van Nimwegen, J de Wit
International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 462-475, 2022
Can more help be worse? The over-assisting interface
C van Nimwegen, H van Oostendorp, H Schijf
Proceedings of the conference on Dutch directions in HCI, 4, 2004
Time swipes when you’re having fun: reducing perceived waiting time while making it more enjoyable
C van Nimwegen, E van Rijn
Behaviour & Information Technology 42 (3), 307-315, 2022
Games-based learning, destination feedback and adaptation: a case study of an educational planning simulation
D Burgos, C van Nimwegen
Games-Based Learning Advancements for Multi-Sensory Human Computer …, 2009
Does context sensitivity in the interface help?
C van Nimwegen, H van Oostendorp, HJM Tabachneck-Schijf
Proceedings of the Twelfth European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics (ECCE …, 2004
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Articles 1–20