Tetsuya Uchimoto
Tetsuya Uchimoto
Tohoku University
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On the exploration of innovative concepts for fusion chamber technology
MA Abdou, A Ying, N Morley, K Gulec, S Smolentsev, M Kotschenreuther, ...
Fusion Engineering and Design 54 (2), 181-247, 2001
Design of an eddy-current array probe for crack sizing in steam generator tubes
H Huang, N Sakurai, T Takagi, T Uchimoto
Ndt & E International 36 (7), 515-522, 2003
Application of low frequency ECT method in noncontact detection and visualization of CFRP material
J Cheng, J Qiu, H Ji, E Wang, T Takagi, T Uchimoto
Composites Part B: Engineering 110, 141-152, 2017
Efficient numerical solver for simulation of pulsed eddy-current testing signals
S Xie, Z Chen, T Takagi, T Uchimoto
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 47 (11), 4582-4591, 2011
Characterization of ductile cast iron by eddy current method
S Konoplyuk, T Abe, T Uchimoto, T Takagi, M Kurosawa
NDT & E International 38 (8), 623-626, 2005
Quantitative non-destructive evaluation of wall thinning defect in double-layer pipe of nuclear power plants using pulsed ECT method
S Xie, Z Chen, T Takagi, T Uchimoto
NDT & E International 75, 87-95, 2015
Eddy current evaluation of cast irons for material characterization
T Uchimoto, T Takagi, S Konoplyuk, T Abe, H Huang, M Kurosawa
Journal of Magnetism and magnetic materials 258, 493-496, 2003
Role of interlaminar interface on bulk conductivity and electrical anisotropy of CFRP laminates measured by eddy current method
J Cheng, H Ji, J Qiu, T Takagi, T Uchimoto, N Hu
Ndt & E International 68, 1-12, 2014
Development of a very fast simulator for pulsed eddy current testing signals of local wall thinning
S Xie, Z Chen, T Takagi, T Uchimoto
NDT & E International 51, 45-50, 2012
Large-scale parallel computation for the reconstruction of natural stress corrosion cracks from eddy current testing signals
N Yusa, Z Chen, K Miya, T Uchimoto, T Takagi
NDT & E International 36 (7), 449-459, 2003
A hybrid nondestructive testing method of pulsed eddy current testing and electromagnetic acoustic transducer techniques for simultaneous surface and volumetric defects inspection
S Xie, M Tian, P Xiao, C Pei, Z Chen, T Takagi
NDT & E International 86, 153-163, 2017
Novel electromagnetic modeling approach of carbon fiber-reinforced polymer laminate for calculation of eddy currents and eddy current testing signals
J Cheng, H Ji, J Qiu, T Takagi, T Uchimoto, N Hu
Journal of Composite Materials 49 (5), 617-631, 2015
Features extraction and discussion in a novel frequency-band-selecting pulsed eddy current testing method for the detection of a certain depth range of defects
S Xie, L Zhang, Y Zhao, X Wang, Y Kong, Q Ma, Z Chen, T Uchimoto, ...
Ndt & E International 111, 102211, 2020
Governing conditions of repeatable Barkhausen noise response
O Stupakov, J Pal’a, T Takagi, T Uchimoto
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 321 (18), 2956-2962, 2009
Research advances in eddy current testing for maintenance of carbon fiber reinforced plastic composites
J Cheng, J Qiu, X Xu, H Ji, T Takagi, T Uchimoto
International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics 51 (3), 261-284, 2016
Synthesis of Ti3SiC2/TiC composites from TiH2/SiC/TiC powders
S Konoplyuk, T Abe, T Uchimoto, T Takagi
Materials Letters 59 (18), 2342-2346, 2005
Dynamic magnetic scalar hysteresis lump model based on Jiles–Atherton quasi-static hysteresis model extended with dynamic fractional derivative contribution
B Zhang, B Gupta, B Ducharne, G Sebald, T Uchimoto
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 54 (11), 1-5, 2018
Magnetic anisotropy of plastically deformed low-carbon steel
O Stupakov, T Uchimoto, T Takagi
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 43 (19), 195003, 2010
Investigation of electromagnetic nondestructive evaluation of residual strain in low carbon steels using the eddy current magnetic signature (EC-MS) method
T Matsumoto, T Uchimoto, T Takagi, G Dobmann, B Ducharne, S Oozono, ...
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 479, 212-221, 2019
Quantitative nondestructive evaluation of plastic deformation in carbon steel based on electromagnetic methods
HE Chen, S Xie, Z Chen, T Takagi, T Uchimoto, K Yoshihara
Materials Transactions 55 (12), 1806-1815, 2014
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Articles 1–20