Muneer Alshowkan
Cited by
Cited by
Reconfigurable quantum local area network over deployed fiber
M Alshowkan, BP Williams, PG Evans, NSV Rao, EM Simmerman, HH Lu, ...
PRX Quantum 2, 040304, 2021, DOI: 10.1103/PRXQuantum.2.040304, 2021
LS-LEACH: a new secure and energy efficient routing protocol for wireless sensor networks
M Alshowkan, K Elleithy, H AlHassan
2013 IEEE/ACM 17th International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and …, 2013
Performance evaluation of AODV and DSR routing protocols in MANET networks
A Odeh, E AbdelFattah, M Alshowkan
International Journal of Distributed and Parallel Systems 3 (4), 13, 2012
Advanced architectures for high-performance quantum networking
M Alshowkan, PG Evans, BP Williams, NSV Rao, CE Marvinney, YY Pai, ...
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking 14 (6), 493-499, 2022
Deterministic quantum network for distributed entanglement and quantum computation
I Cohen, K Mølmer
Physical Review A 98 (3), 030302, 2018
Dynamic topology resilience for quantum networks
L Gyongyosi, S Imre
Advances in Photonics of Quantum Computing, Memory, and Communication XI …, 2018
Authentication of smart grid communications using quantum key distribution
M Alshowkan, PG Evans, M Starke, D Earl, NA Peters
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 12731, 2022
Broadband polarization-entangled source for C+ L-band flex-grid quantum networks
M Alshowkan, JM Lukens, HH Lu, BT Kirby, BP Williams, WP Grice, ...
Optics Letters 47 (24), 6480-6483, 2022
Trusted Node QKD at an Electrical Utility
PG Evans, M Alshowkan, D Earl, D Mulkey, R Newell, G Peterson, C Safi, ...
IEEE Access 9, 105220-105229, 2021, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3070222, 2021
Scalable networks for discrete quantum random walks
S Fujiwara, H Osaki, IM Buluta, S Hasegawa
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 72 (3), 032329, 2005
Quantum pattern retrieval by qubit networks with Hebb interactions
MC Diamantini, CA Trugenberger
Physical review letters 97 (13), 130503, 2006
A new algorithm for three-party Quantum key distribution
M Alshowkan, K Elleithy, A Odeh, E Abdelfattah
Third International Conference on Innovative Computing Technology (INTECH …, 2013
Analysis of Routing Protocols over VANET
R Mstafa, A Alarabe, E Abdelfattah, A Odeh, M Alshowkan
American Society for Engineering Education Northeast Section Conference 2013, 2013
Current eigenmodes and dephasing in nanoscopic quantum networks
T Can, H Dai, DK Morr
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (19), 195459, 2012
Performance evaluation of dymo, aodv and dsr routing protocols in manet
M Alshowkan, EA Fattah, A Odeh
International Journal of Computer Applications 49 (11), 2012
Coexistent quantum channel characterization using spectrally resolved Bayesian quantum process tomography
JC Chapman, JM Lukens, M Alshowkan, N Rao, BT Kirby, NA Peters
Physical Review Applied 19 (4), 044026, 2023
Two-mode squeezing over deployed fiber coexisting with conventional communications
JC Chapman, A Miloshevsky, HH Lu, N Rao, M Alshowkan, NA Peters
Optics Express 31 (16), 26254-26275, 2023
Generation and characterization of ultrabroadband polarization–frequency hyperentangled photons
HH Lu, M Alshowkan, KV Myilswamy, AM Weiner, JM Lukens, NA Peters
Optics Letters 48 (22), 6031-6034, 2023
Optimal resource allocation for flexible-grid entanglement distribution networks
J Alnas, M Alshowkan, NSV Rao, NA Peters, JM Lukens
Optics Express 30 (14), 24375-24393, 2022
Quantum wire networks with local symmetry
K Kazymyrenko, S Dusuel, B Douçot
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 72 (23), 235114, 2005
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Articles 1–20