Wang Lingfei
Cited by
Cited by
High-quality bulk hybrid perovskite single crystals within minutes by inverse temperature crystallization
MI Saidaminov, AL Abdelhady, B Murali, E Alarousu, VM Burlakov, ...
Nature communications 6, 7586, 2015
Solution‐Grown Monocrystalline Hybrid Perovskite Films for Hole‐Transporter‐Free Solar Cells
W Peng, L Wang, B Murali, KT Ho, A Bera, N Cho, CF Kang, VM Burlakov, ...
Advanced Materials 28 (17), 3383-3390, 2016
Ferroelectrically tunable magnetic skyrmions in ultrathin oxide heterostructures
L Wang, Q Feng, Y Kim, R Kim, KH Lee, SD Pollard, YJ Shin, H Zhou, ...
Nature materials 17 (12), 1087-1094, 2018
Ultrathin Cu 2 O as an efficient inorganic hole transporting material for perovskite solar cells
W Yu, F Li, H Wang, E Alarousu, Y Chen, B Lin, L Wang, MN Hedhili, Y Li, ...
Nanoscale 8 (11), 6173-6179, 2016
Controlled manipulation of oxygen vacancies using nanoscale flexoelectricity
S Das, B Wang, Y Cao, MR Cho, YJ Shin, SM Yang, L Wang, M Kim, ...
Nature Communications 8 (1), 615, 2017
Overcoming the Fundamental Barrier Thickness Limits of Ferroelectric Tunnel Junctions through BaTiO3/SrTiO3 Composite Barriers
L Wang, MR Cho, YJ Shin, JR Kim, S Das, JG Yoon, JS Chung, TW Noh
Nano letters 16 (6), 3911-3918, 2016
Device Performance of the Mott Insulator LaVO 3 as a Photovoltaic Material
L Wang, Y Li, A Bera, C Ma, F Jin, K Yuan, W Yin, A David, W Chen, W Wu, ...
Physical Review Applied 3 (6), 064015, 2015
Controllable Thickness Inhomogeneity and Berry Curvature Engineering of Anomalous Hall Effect in SrRuO3 Ultrathin Films
L Wang, Q Feng, HG Lee, EK Ko, Q Lu, TW Noh
Nano Letters 20 (4), 2468-2477, 2020
Electric-Field-Modulated Nonvolatile Resistance Switching in VO2/PMN-PT (111) Heterostructures
B Zhi, G Gao, H Xu, F Chen, X Tan, P Chen, L Wang, W Wu
ACS applied materials & interfaces 6 (7), 4603-4608, 2014
Ferroelectric BiFeO3 as an Oxide Dye in Highly Tunable Mesoporous All‐Oxide Photovoltaic Heterojunctions
L Wang, H Ma, L Chang, C Ma, G Yuan, J Wang, T Wu
Small 13 (1), 1602355, 2017
Interface Control of Ferroelectricity in an SrRuO3/BaTiO3/SrRuO3 Capacitor and its Critical Thickness
YJ Shin, Y Kim, SJ Kang, HH Nahm, P Murugavel, JR Kim, MR Cho, ...
Advanced Materials 29 (19), 1602795, 2017
Tuning the ground state of LaCaMnO films via coherent growth on orthorhombic NdGaO substrates with different orientations
Z Huang, LF Wang, PF Chen, GY Gao, XL Tan, BW Zhi, XF Xuan, WB Wu
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (1), 014410, 2012
Defect‐Engineered Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya Interaction and Electric‐Field‐Switchable Topological Spin Texture in SrRuO3
J Lu, L Si, Q Zhang, C Tian, X Liu, C Song, S Dong, J Wang, S Cheng, ...
Advanced Materials 33 (33), 2102525, 2021
Evolution and control of the phase competition morphology in a manganite film
H Zhou, L Wang, Y Hou, Z Huang, Q Lu, W Wu
Nature communications 6, 8980, 2015
Atomic‐Scale Metal–Insulator Transition in SrRuO3 Ultrathin Films Triggered by Surface Termination Conversion
HG Lee, L Wang, L Si, X He, DG Porter, JR Kim, EK Ko, J Kim, SM Park, ...
Advanced Materials 32 (8), 1905815, 2020
Anisotropic-strain-induced antiferromagnetic-insulating state with strong phase instability in epitaxial (La0. 8Pr0. 2) 0.67 Ca0. 33MnO3 films
FH Zhang, Z Huang, GY Gao, PF Chen, LF Wang, XL Tan, WB Wu
Applied Physics Letters 96 (6), 2010
Constructing Polymorphic Nanodomains in BaTiO3 Films via Epitaxial Symmetry Engineering
W Peng, JA Zorn, J Mun, M Sheeraz, CJ Roh, J Pan, B Wang, K Guo, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 30 (16), 1910569, 2020
Oxygen Vacancy Engineering for Highly Tunable Ferromagnetic Properties: A Case of SrRuO3 Ultrathin Film with a SrTiO3 Capping Layer
EK Ko, J Mun, HG Lee, J Kim, J Song, SH Chang, TH Kim, SB Chung, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 30 (50), 2001486, 2020
Oxygen vacancy-induced topological nanodomains in ultrathin ferroelectric films
W Peng, J Mun, Q Xie, J Chen, L Wang, M Kim, TW Noh
npj Quantum Materials 6 (1), 48, 2021
Super-tetragonal Sr4Al2O7 as a sacrificial layer for high-integrity freestanding oxide membranes
J Zhang, T Lin, A Wang, X Wang, Q He, H Ye, J Lu, Q Wang, Z Liang, F Jin, ...
Science 383 (6681), 388-394, 2024
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