Ricardo Antonio Rodrigues
Ricardo Antonio Rodrigues
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Cited by
Have careers become boundaryless?
RA Rodrigues, D Guest
Human Relations 63 (8), 1157-1175, 2010
From anchors to orientations: Towards a contemporary theory of career preferences
R Rodrigues, D Guest, A Budjanovcanin
Journal of Vocational Behavior 83 (2), 142-152, 2013
Antecedents of protean and boundaryless career orientations: The role of core self-evaluations, perceived employability and social capital
R Rodrigues, CL Butler, D Guest
Journal of Vocational Behavior 110, 1-11, 2019
Signalling theory as a framework for analysing human resource management processes and integrating human resource attribution theories: A conceptual analysis and empirical …
DE Guest, K Sanders, R Rodrigues, T Oliveira
Human resource management journal 31 (3), 796-818, 2021
Educação a Distância na crise COVID-19: um relato de experiência
AS Castaman, RA Rodrigues
Research, Society and Development 9 (6), e180963699-e180963699, 2020
Who benefits from independent careers? Employees, organizations, or both?
R Rodrigues, D Guest, T Oliveira, K Alfes
Journal of Vocational Behavior 91, 23-34, 2015
Bounded or boundaryless? An empirical investigation of career boundaries and boundary crossing
R Rodrigues, D Guest, A Budjanovcanin
Work, Employment and Society 30 (4), 669-686, 2016
Performance‐based rewards and innovative behaviors
K Sanders, F Jorgensen, H Shipton, Y Van Rossenberg, R Cunha, X Li, ...
Human Resource Management 57 (6), 1455-1468, 2018
Evaluating the employability paradox: When does organizational investment in human capital pay off?
R Rodrigues, CL Butler, D Guest
HRM and Employability, 40-62, 2022
Smells like team spirit: Opening a paradoxical black box
T Silva, MP Cunha, SR Clegg, P Neves, A Rego, RA Rodrigues
Human Relations 67 (3), 287-310, 2014
Antimicrobial peptide-gold nanoscale therapeutic formulation with high skin regenerative potential
M Comune, A Rai, KK Chereddy, S Pinto, S Aday, AF Ferreira, A Zonari, ...
Journal of Controlled Release 262, 58-71, 2017
The role of career shocks in contemporary career development: key challenges and ways forward
J Akkermans, R Rodrigues, ST Mol, SE Seibert, SN Khapova
Career Development International 26 (4), 453-466, 2021
Distance Education in the COVID crisis-19: an experience report
AS Castaman, RA Rodrigues
Research, Society and Development 9 (6), 1-26, 2020
Internações sensíveis à atenção primária à saúde em hospital regional do Distrito Federal
NP Sousa, TCMSB Rehem, WS Santos, CE Santos
Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem 69 (1), 118-125, 2016
A career with a heart: exploring occupational regret
A Budjanovcanin, R Rodrigues, D Guest
Journal of Managerial Psychology 34 (3), 156-169, 2019
Beyond the duality between bounded and boundaryless careers: new avenues for careers research
D Guest, R Rodrigues
Career Development International 19 (6), 2014
Career control
DE Guest, R Rodrigues
Handbook of research on sustainable careers, 205-222, 2015
The role of HR attributions in the HRM–Outcome relationship: Introduction to the special issue
K Sanders, D Guest, R Rodrigues
Human Resource Management Journal 31 (3), 694-703, 2021
Modeling, robust control synthesis and worst-case analysis for an on-orbit servicing mission with large flexible spacecraft
R Rodrigues, V Preda, F Sanfedino, D Alazard
Aerospace Science and Technology 129, 107865, 2022
Osmolality of solutions, emulsions and drugs that may have a high osmolality: aspects of their use in neonatal care
L Pereira-da-Silva, G Henriques, JM Videira-Amaral, R Rodrigues, ...
The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine 11 (5), 333-338, 2002
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Articles 1–20