João N. B. Rodrigues
João N. B. Rodrigues
Other namesJ. N. B. Rodrigues
Center of Natural and Human Sciences (CCNH) at Federal Uniersity of ABC (UFABC)
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Cited by
Electric-field-tuned topological phase transition in ultrathin Na3Bi
JL Collins, A Tadich, W Wu, LC Gomes, JNB Rodrigues, C Liu, ...
Nature 564 (7736), 390-394, 2018
Tailoring sample-wide pseudo-magnetic fields on a graphene–black phosphorus heterostructure
Y Liu, JNB Rodrigues, YZ Luo, L Li, A Carvalho, M Yang, E Laksono, J Lu, ...
Nature nanotechnology 13 (9), 828-834, 2018
The role of electron-electron interactions in two-dimensional Dirac fermions
HK Tang, JN Leaw, JNB Rodrigues, IF Herbut, P Sengupta, FF Assaad, ...
Science 361 (6402), 570-574, 2018
Zigzag graphene nanoribbon edge reconstruction with Stone-Wales defects
JNB Rodrigues, PAD Gonçalves, NFG Rodrigues, RM Ribeiro, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (15), 155435, 2011
Interaction-driven metal-insulator transition in strained graphene
HK Tang, E Laksono, JNB Rodrigues, P Sengupta, FF Assaad, S Adam
Physical review letters 115 (18), 186602, 2015
Dirac electrons in graphene-based quantum wires and quantum dots
NMR Peres, JNB Rodrigues, T Stauber, JMBL Dos Santos
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 21 (34), 344202, 2009
Electronic transport across linear defects in graphene
CJ Páez, ALC Pereira, JNB Rodrigues, NMR Peres
Physical Review B 92 (4), 045426, 2015
Excited states in variational Monte Carlo using a penalty method
S Pathak, B Busemeyer, JNB Rodrigues, LK Wagner
The Journal of Chemical Physics 154 (3), 2021
Scattering by linear defects in graphene: A continuum approach
JNB Rodrigues, NMR Peres, JMB Lopes dos Santos
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (21), 214206, 2012
High Hole Mobility and Nonsaturating Giant Magnetoresistance in the New 2D Metal NaCu4Se4 Synthesized by a Unique Pathway
H Chen, JNB Rodrigues, AJE Rettie, TB Song, DG Chica, X Su, JK Bao, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 141 (1), 635-642, 2018
Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física
M Ferreira, E Almeida Junior, W Espinosa-García, E Novais, J Rodrigues, ...
Scattering by linear defects in graphene: a tight-binding approach
JNB Rodrigues, NMR Peres, JMBL dos Santos
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 25 (7), 075303, 2013
Spatial charge inhomogeneity and defect states in topological Dirac semimetal thin films of Na3Bi
MT Edmonds, JL Collins, J Hellerstedt, I Yudhistira, LC Gomes, ...
Science advances 3 (12), eaao6661, 2017
Tunable room-temperature ferromagnet using an iron-oxide and graphene oxide nanocomposite
AL Lin, JNB Rodrigues, C Su, M Milletari, KP Loh, T Wu, W Chen, ...
Scientific Reports 5 (1), 11430, 2015
Intervalley scattering of graphene massless Dirac fermions at 3-periodic grain boundaries
JNB Rodrigues
Physical Review B 94 (13), 134201, 2016
PyQMC: An all-Python real-space quantum Monte Carlo module in PySCF
WA Wheeler, S Pathak, KG Kleiner, S Yuan, JNB Rodrigues, C Lorsung, ...
The Journal of Chemical Physics 158 (11), 2023
Introduzindo aprendizado de máquina em cursos de física: o caso do rolamento no plano inclinado
H Ferreira, EF Almeida, W Espinosa-García, E Novais, JNB Rodrigues, ...
Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física 44, e20220214, 2022
Learning from machine learning: the case of band-gap directness in semiconductors
E Ogoshi, M Popolin-Neto, CM Acosta, GM Nascimento, JNB Rodrigues, ...
Discover Materials 4 (1), 6, 2024
A simulator for discrete quantum walks on lattices
J Rodrigues, N Paunković, P Mateus
International Journal of Modern Physics C 28 (04), 1750055, 2017
Thermodynamics of a Potts-like model for a reconstructed zigzag edge in graphene nanoribbons
JNB Rodrigues, PAD Gonçalves, JE Santos, AH Castro Neto
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (13), 134204, 2013
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Articles 1–20