Daniel Weindl
Cited by
Cited by
Complexity of dopamine metabolism
J Meiser, D Weindl, K Hiller
Cell Communication and Signaling 11, 1-18, 2013
Simultaneous extraction of proteins and metabolites from cells in culture
SC Sapcariu, T Kanashova, D Weindl, J Ghelfi, G Dittmar, K Hiller
MethodsX 1, 74-80, 2014
Benchmarking optimization methods for parameter estimation in large kinetic models
AF Villaverde, F Fröhlich, D Weindl, J Hasenauer, JR Banga
Bioinformatics 35 (5), 830-838, 2019
Efficient parameter estimation enables the prediction of drug response using a mechanistic pan-cancer pathway model
F Fröhlich, T Kessler, D Weindl, A Shadrin, L Schmiester, H Hache, ...
Cell systems 7 (6), 567-579. e6, 2018
How metabolites modulate metabolic flux
A Wegner, J Meiser, D Weindl, K Hiller
Current opinion in biotechnology 34, 16-22, 2015
PESTO: parameter estimation toolbox
P Stapor, D Weindl, B Ballnus, S Hug, C Loos, A Fiedler, S Krause, ...
Bioinformatics 34 (4), 705-707, 2018
PEtab—Interoperable specification of parameter estimation problems in systems biology
L Schmiester, Y Schälte, FT Bergmann, T Camba, E Dudkin, J Egert, ...
PLoS computational biology 17 (1), e1008646, 2021
Community-driven roadmap for integrated disease maps
M Ostaszewski, S Gebel, I Kuperstein, A Mazein, A Zinovyev, U Dogrusoz, ...
Briefings in bioinformatics 20 (2), 659-670, 2019
Loss of DJ-1 impairs antioxidant response by altered glutamine and serine metabolism
J Meiser, S Delcambre, A Wegner, C Jäger, J Ghelfi, AF d'Herouel, ...
Neurobiology of disease 89, 112-125, 2016
AMICI: high-performance sensitivity analysis for large ordinary differential equation models
F Fröhlich, D Weindl, Y Schälte, D Pathirana, Ł Paszkowski, GT Lines, ...
Bioinformatics 37 (20), 3676-3677, 2021
NTFD—a stand-alone application for the non-targeted detection of stable isotope-labeled compounds in GC/MS data
K Hiller, A Wegner, D Weindl, T Cordes, CM Metallo, JK Kelleher, ...
Bioinformatics 29 (9), 1226-1228, 2013
Efficient parameterization of large-scale dynamic models based on relative measurements
L Schmiester, Y Schälte, F Fröhlich, J Hasenauer, D Weindl
Bioinformatics 36 (2), 594-602, 2020
Bridging the gap between non-targeted stable isotope labeling and metabolic flux analysis
D Weindl, T Cordes, N Battello, SC Sapcariu, X Dong, A Wegner, K Hiller
Cancer & metabolism 4, 1-14, 2016
Fragment formula calculator (FFC): determination of chemical formulas for fragment ions in mass spectrometric data
A Wegner, D Weindl, C Jäger, SC Sapcariu, X Dong, G Stephanopoulos, ...
Analytical chemistry 86 (4), 2221-2228, 2014
Isotopologue ratio normalization for non-targeted metabolomics
D Weindl, A Wegner, C Jäger, K Hiller
Journal of chromatography A 1389, 112-119, 2015
MIA: non-targeted mass isotopolome analysis
D Weindl, A Wegner, K Hiller
Bioinformatics 32 (18), 2875-2876, 2016
BioSimulators: a central registry of simulation engines and services for recommending specific tools
B Shaikh, LP Smith, D Vasilescu, G Marupilla, M Wilson, E Agmon, ...
Nucleic acids research 50 (W1), W108-W114, 2022
Metabolome-wide analysis of stable isotope labeling—is it worth the effort?
D Weindl, A Wegner, K Hiller
Frontiers in physiology 6, 344, 2015
Non-targeted tracer fate detection
D Weindl, A Wegner, K Hiller
Methods in enzymology 561, 277-302, 2015
Mini-batch optimization enables training of ODE models on large-scale datasets
P Stapor, L Schmiester, C Wierling, S Merkt, D Pathirana, BMH Lange, ...
Nature Communications 13 (1), 34, 2022
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Articles 1–20