C K Nagpal
C K Nagpal
YMCA University of Science & Technology, Faridabad
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Cited by
Selection of optimal software reliability growth models using a distance based approach
K Sharma, R Garg, CK Nagpal, RK Garg
IEEE Transactions on Reliability 59 (2), 266-276, 2010
Impact of selfish node concentration in MANETs
S Gupta, CK Nagpal, C Singla
International Journal of Wireless & Mobile Networks (IJWMN) Vol 3, 29-37, 2011
Ranking of software engineering metrics by fuzzy‐based matrix methodology
RK Garg, K Sharma, CK Nagpal, R Garg, R Garg, R Kumar, Sandhya
Software Testing, Verification and Reliability 23 (2), 149-168, 2013
Impact of variable transmission range on MANET performance
CK Nagpal, M Kaur, S Gupta, B Bhushan
International Journal of Ad hoc, Sensor & Ubiquitous Computing 2 (4), 59, 2011
Comparison of on demand routing protocols
B Bhushan, S Gupta, CK Nagpal
International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science (IJITCS …, 2013
Journey of web search engines: milestones, challenges & innovations
M Kathuria, CK Nagpal, N Duhan
International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science 12, 47-58, 2016
Predicting a reliable stock for mid and long term investment
S Mittal, CK Nagpal
Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences 34 (10 …, 2022
Implementing game theory in cognitive radio network for channel allocation: An overview
U Sharma, P Mittal, CK Nagpal
International Journal of Energy, Information and Communications 6 (2), 17-22, 2015
Face recognition using neuro-fuzzy inference system
S Mehta, S Gupta, B Bhushan, CK Nagpal
International Journal of Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern …, 2014
A study of black hole attack on MANET performance
CK Nagpal, C Kumar, B Bhushan, S Gupta
International Journal of Modern Education & Computer Science 4 (8), 2012
An efficient hybrid security mechanism based on chaos and improved BPCS
R Bansal, CK Nagpal, S Gupta
Multimedia Tools and Applications 77, 6799-6835, 2018
Implementation of a novel protocol for Coordination of nodes in Manet
P Mittal, S Batra, DCK Nagpal
International Journal of Computer Networks and Applications 2 (2), 99-105, 2015
Towards realistic performance evaluation of mobile ad hoc network
C Kumar, B Bhushan, CK Nagpal, S Gupta
2012 World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies, 287-291, 2012
Stock market prediction by incorporating news sentiments using bert
S Mittal, A Chauhan, CK Nagpal
Modern Approaches in Machine Learning & Cognitive Science: A Walkthrough, 35-45, 2022
Performance evaluation of MANET in realistic environment
S Gupta, C Kumar, CK Nagpal, B Bhushan
IJ Modern Education and Computer Science 7, 57-64, 2012
A survey of semantic similarity measuring techniques for information retrieval
M Kathuria, CK Nagpal, N Duhan
2016 3rd International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global …, 2016
Trip planner: A big data analytics based recommendation system for tourism planning
KK Ranga, CK Nagpal, V Vedpal
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and …, 2023
A big data analytics framework for determining the travel destination preferences of Indian tourists
KK Ranga, CK Nagpal
International Journal of Modern Physics C 34 (02), 2350024, 2023
A throughput and spectrum aware fuzzy logic based routing protocol for CRN
P Mittal, M Jain, CK Nagpal, S Gupta
International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security 8 (3), 58-64, 2016
Impact of random waypoint mobility model on hybrid routing protocols of scalable mobile Ad Hoc network
P Garg, CK Nagpal, S Bansal
Int J Innov Res Dev 2 (10), 121-125, 2013
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Articles 1–20