Mofei Jia
Mofei Jia
Assistant Professor in Economics, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
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Cited by
Asymptotic properties of the partition function and applications in tail index inference of heavy-tailed data
D Grahovac, M Jia, N Leonenko, E Taufer
Statistics 49 (6), 1221-1242, 2015
Reproducibility in Management Science
M Fišar, B Greiner, C Huber, E Katok, AI Ozkes, ...
Management Science 70 (3), 1343-1356, 2024
Social status competition and the impact of income inequality in evolving social networks: An agent-based model
A Antinyan, G Horváth, M Jia
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 79, 53-69, 2019
Would you mind if I get more? An experimental study of the envy game
S Casal, W Güth, M Jia, M Ploner
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 84 (3), 857-865, 2012
Curbing the consumption of positional goods: Behavioral interventions versus taxation
A Antinyan, G Horváth, M Jia
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 179, 1-21, 2020
Positional concerns and social network structure: An experiment
A Antinyan, G Horvath, M Jia
European Economic Review 129, 103547, 2020
Semi-parametric regression estimation of the tail index
M Jia, E Taufer, MM Dickson
Electronic Journal of Statistics 12 (1), 224-248, 2018
Official and Subjective Hotel Attributes Compared: Online Hotel Rates in Shanghai
DE Andersson, M Jia
Journal of China Tourism Research, DOI: 10.1080/19388160.2018.1515138, 2018
Heavy-tailed phenomena and tail index inference
M Jia
Universitŕ degli studi di Trento, 2014
The impact of social status on the formation of collaborative ties and effort provision: An experimental study
G Horvath, M Jia
arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.05830, 2024
On the tail index inference based on scaling functions method
D Grahovac, M Jia, N Leonenko, E Taufer
18th European Young Statisticians Meeting, 11, 2014
Asymptotic Properties of the Empirical Structure Function of Heavy-tailed Data and Tail Index Estimation
M Jia, D Grahovac, N Leonenko, E Taufer
Program and abstracts, 2013
Regression Estimation of the Index of Regular Variation
M Jia, E Taufer
HRG Greece Proceedings, 2012
Would You Mind if I Get More?
S Casal, W Güth, M Jia, M Ploner
Jena Economic Research Papers 2011, 051, 0
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Articles 1–14