Nghi H. Tran
Nghi H. Tran
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Performance of full-duplex AF relaying in the presence of residual self-interference
LJ Rodriguez, NH Tran, T Le-Ngoc
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 32 (9), 1752-1764, 2014
Physical layer security in wireless cooperative relay networks: State of the art and beyond
LJ Rodriguez, NH Tran, TQ Duong, T Le-Ngoc, M Elkashlan, S Shetty
IEEE Communications Magazine 53 (12), 32-39, 2015
Secure transmission with optimal power allocation in untrusted relay networks
L Wang, M Elkashlan, J Huang, NH Tran, TQ Duong
IEEE wireless communications Letters 3 (3), 289-292, 2014
Optimal power allocation and capacity of full-duplex AF relaying under residual self-interference
LJ Rodriguez, NH Tran, T Le-Ngoc
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 3 (2), 233-236, 2014
Design and performance of BICM-ID systems with hypercube constellations
NH Tran, HH Nguyen
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 5 (5), 1169-1179, 2006
Performance of BICM-ID with signal space diversity
NH Tran, HH Nguyen, T Le-Ngoc
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 6 (5), 1732-1742, 2007
Space modulation with CSI: Constellation design and performance evaluation
M Maleki, HR Bahrami, S Beygi, M Kafashan, NH Tran
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 62 (4), 1623-1634, 2012
Signal mappings of 8-ary constellations for bit interleaved coded modulation with iterative decoding
NH Tran, HH Nguyen
IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting 52 (1), 92-99, 2006
The influence of CEO characteristics on corporate environmental performance of SMEs: Evidence from Vietnamese SMEs
N Tran, B Pham
Management Science Letters 10 (8), 1671-1682, 2020
On the performance of spatial modulation: Optimal constellation breakdown
M Maleki, HR Bahrami, A Alizadeh, NH Tran
IEEE Transactions on Communications 62 (1), 144-157, 2013
Energy-efficient power allocation in cognitive radio systems with imperfect spectrum sensing
G Ozcan, MC Gursoy, N Tran, J Tang
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 34 (12), 3466-3481, 2016
A high-isolation monopole array with ring hybrid feeding structure for in-band full-duplex systems
G Makar, N Tran, T Karacolak
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 16, 356-359, 2016
Bit-interleaved coded OFDM with signal space diversity: Subcarrier grouping and rotation matrix design
NH Tran, HH Nguyen, T Le-Ngoc
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 55 (3), 1137-1149, 2007
On optimal input distribution and capacity limit of Bernoulli-Gaussian impulsive noise channels
SP Herath, NH Tran, T Le-Ngoc
2012 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 3429-3433, 2012
Supervised and semi-supervised learning for MIMO blind detection with low-resolution ADCs
LV Nguyen, DT Ngo, NH Tran, AL Swindlehurst, DHN Nguyen
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 19 (4), 2427-2442, 2020
Coded unitary space–time modulation with iterative decoding: Error performance and mapping design
NH Tran, HH Nguyen, T Le-Ngoc
IEEE Transactions on Communications 55 (4), 703-716, 2007
Subcarrier grouping for OFDM with linear constellation precoding over multipath fading channels
NH Tran, HH Nguyen, T Le-Ngoc
IEEE transactions on vehicular technology 56 (6), 3607-3613, 2007
A novel multi-dimensional mapping of 8-PSK for BICM-ID
NH Tran, HH Nguyen
IEEE Transactions on Wireless communications 6 (3), 1133-1142, 2007
Leveraging deep neural networks for massive MIMO data detection
LV Nguyen, NT Nguyen, NH Tran, M Juntti, AL Swindlehurst, ...
IEEE Wireless Communications 30 (1), 174-180, 2022
Secured cooperative cognitive radio networks with relay selection
TQ Duong, TT Duy, M Elkashlan, NH Tran, OA Dobre
2014 IEEE Global Communications Conference, 3074-3079, 2014
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Articles 1–20