Julio Ballesta-Claver
Julio Ballesta-Claver
universidad de granada / centro de magisterio la inmaculada
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Pensamiento matemático y creatividad a través de la invención y resolución de problemas matemáticos
MF Ayllón, IA Gómez, J Ballesta-Claver
Propósitos y representaciones 4 (1), 169-218, 2016
Determination of hypochlorite in water using a chemiluminescent test strip
JB Claver, MCV Mirón, LF Capitán-Vallvey
Analytica chimica acta 522 (2), 267-273, 2004
Mathematical thinking and creativity through mathematical problem posing and solving.
MF Ayllón, IA Gómez, J Ballesta-Claver
Journal of Educational Psychology-Propósitos y Representaciones 4 (1), 195-218, 2016
Disposable electrochemiluminescent biosensor for lactate determination in saliva
JB Claver, MCV Mirón, LF Capitán-Vallvey
Analyst 134 (7), 1423-1432, 2009
Heavy metal concentrations in the general population of Andalusia, South of Spain: a comparison with the population within the area of influence of Aznalcóllar mine spill (SW …
F Gil, LF Capitán-Vallvey, E De Santiago, J Ballesta, A Pla, AF Hernández, ...
Science of the Total Environment 372 (1), 49-57, 2006
Analysis of parabens in cosmetics by low pressure liquid chromatography with monolithic column and chemiluminescent detection
JB Claver, MC Valencia, LF Capitán-Vallvey
Talanta 79 (2), 499-506, 2009
Disposable biosensor based on cathodic electrochemiluminescence of tris (2, 2-bipyridine) ruthenium (II) for uric acid determination
J Ballesta-Claver, R Rodríguez-Gómez, LF Capitán-Vallvey
Analytica Chimica Acta 770, 153-160, 2013
Electrochemiluminescent disposable cholesterol biosensor based on avidin–biotin assembling with the electroformed luminescent conducting polymer poly (luminol-biotinylated pyrrole)
J Ballesta-Claver, J Ametis-Cabello, J Morales-Sanfrutos, ...
Analytica chimica acta 754, 91-98, 2012
A portable luminometer with a disposable electrochemiluminescent biosensor for lactate determination
A Martínez-Olmos, J Ballesta-Claver, AJ Palma, MC Valencia-Mirón, ...
Sensors 9 (10), 7694-7710, 2009
SPE biosensor for cholesterol in serum samples based on electrochemiluminescent luminol copolymer
J Ballesta-Claver, PS Velázquez, MC Valencia-Mirón, LF Capitán-Vallvey
Talanta 86, 178-185, 2011
Disposable luminol copolymer-based biosensor for uric acid in urine
J Ballesta-Claver, IFD Ortega, MC Valencia-Mirón, LF Capitán-Vallvey
Analytica chimica acta 702 (2), 254-261, 2011
One-shot lactate chemiluminescent biosensor
J Ballesta-Claver, MC Valencia-Mirón, LF Capitán-Vallvey
Analytica chimica acta 629 (1-2), 136-144, 2008
Disposable electrochromic polyaniline sensor based on a redox response using a conventional camera: A first approach to handheld analysis
M Porcel-Valenzuela, J Ballesta-Claver, I de Orbe-Payá, F Montilla, ...
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 738, 162-169, 2015
Optical humidity sensor using methylene blue immobilized on a hydrophilic polymer
MD Fernández-Ramos, YF Ordonez, LF Capitán-Vallvey, ...
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 220, 528-533, 2015
Use of digital reflection devices for measurement using hue-based optical sensors
MM Erenas, K Cantrell, J Ballesta-Claver, I de Orbe-Paya, ...
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 174, 10-17, 2012
Portable reconfigurable instrument for analytical determinations using disposable electrochemiluminescent screen-printed electrodes
MA Carvajal, J Ballesta-Claver, DP Morales, AJ Palma, ...
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 169, 46-53, 2012
Portable system for photodiode-based electrochemiluminescence measurement with improved limit of detection
MA Carvajal, J Ballesta-Claver, A Martínez-Olmos, LF Capitán-Vallvey, ...
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 221, 956-961, 2015
Analysis of phenolic compounds in health care products by low‐pressure liquid‐chromatography with monolithic column and chemiluminescent detection
J Ballesta‐Claver, MC Valencia, LF Capitán‐Vallvey
Luminescence 26 (1), 44-53, 2011
Copolymerization of luminol on screen-printed cells for single-use electrochemiluminescent sensors
J Ballesta-Claver, MC Valencia-Mirón, LF Capitán-Vallvey
Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 400, 3041-3051, 2011
Identification of Indigo Dye (Indigofera tinctoria) and Its Degradation Products by Separation and Spectroscopic Techniques on Historic Documents and Textile Fibers
N Tello-Burgos, AM López-Montes, J Ballesta-Claver, FJ Collado-Montero, ...
Studies in Conservation 66 (1), 7-22, 2021
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Articles 1–20