Diep N. Nguyen
Cited by
Cited by
Proof-of-stake consensus mechanisms for future blockchain networks: fundamentals, applications and opportunities
CT Nguyen, DT Hoang, DN Nguyen, D Niyato, HT Nguyen, E Dutkiewicz
IEEE access 7, 85727-85745, 2019
Energy demand prediction with federated learning for electric vehicle networks
YM Saputra, DT Hoang, DN Nguyen, E Dutkiewicz, MD Mueck, ...
2019 IEEE global communications conference (GLOBECOM), 1-6, 2019
Enabling technologies for ultra-reliable and low latency communications: From PHY and MAC layer perspectives
GJ Sutton, J Zeng, RP Liu, W Ni, DN Nguyen, BA Jayawickrama, X Huang, ...
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 21 (3), 2488-2524, 2019
A comprehensive survey of enabling and emerging technologies for social distancing—Part I: Fundamentals and enabling technologies
CT Nguyen, YM Saputra, N Van Huynh, NT Nguyen, TV Khoa, BM Tuan, ...
IEEE Access 8, 153479-153507, 2020
Cyberattack detection in mobile cloud computing: A deep learning approach
KK Nguyen, DT Hoang, D Niyato, P Wang, D Nguyen, E Dutkiewicz
2018 IEEE wireless communications and networking conference (WCNC), 1-6, 2018
Joint adaptation of frequency hopping and transmission rate for anti-jamming wireless systems
MK Hanawal, MJ Abdel-Rahman, D Nguyen, M Krunz
Technical Report TR-UA-ECE-2013-3 The University of Arizona, 2013
Optimal and fast real-time resource slicing with deep dueling neural networks
N Van Huynh, DT Hoang, DN Nguyen, E Dutkiewicz
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 37 (6), 1455-1470, 2019
Metachain: A novel blockchain-based framework for metaverse applications
CT Nguyen, DT Hoang, DN Nguyen, E Dutkiewicz
2022 IEEE 95th Vehicular Technology Conference:(VTC2022-Spring), 1-5, 2022
Deep transfer learning for IoT attack detection
L Vu, QU Nguyen, DN Nguyen, DT Hoang, E Dutkiewicz
IEEE Access 8, 107335-107344, 2020
Enabling and emerging technologies for social distancing: a comprehensive survey and open problems
CT Nguyen, YM Saputra, N Van Huynh, NT Nguyen, TV Khoa, BM Tuan, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.02816, 2020
Learning latent representation for IoT anomaly detection
L Vu, QU Nguyen, DN Nguyen, DT Hoang, E Dutkiewicz
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 52 (5), 3769-3782, 2020
A comprehensive survey of enabling and emerging technologies for social distancing—Part II: Emerging technologies and open issues
CT Nguyen, YM Saputra, N Van Huynh, NT Nguyen, TV Khoa, BM Tuan, ...
IEEE Access 8, 154209-154236, 2020
Collaborative learning model for cyberattack detection systems in iot industry 4.0
TV Khoa, YM Saputra, DT Hoang, NL Trung, D Nguyen, NV Ha, ...
2020 IEEE wireless communications and networking conference (WCNC), 1-6, 2020
“jam me if you can:” defeating jammer with deep dueling neural network architecture and ambient backscattering augmented communications
N Van Huynh, DN Nguyen, DT Hoang, E Dutkiewicz
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 37 (11), 2603-2620, 2019
Distributed deep learning at the edge: A novel proactive and cooperative caching framework for mobile edge networks
YM Saputra, DT Hoang, DN Nguyen, E Dutkiewicz, D Niyato, DI Kim
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 8 (4), 1220-1223, 2019
Freezing of gait detection in Parkinson's disease: a subject-independent detector using anomaly scores
TT Pham, ST Moore, SJG Lewis, DN Nguyen, E Dutkiewicz, AJ Fuglevand, ...
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 64 (11), 2719-2728, 2017
Swarm intelligence for next-generation networks: Recent advances and applications
QV Pham, DC Nguyen, S Mirjalili, DT Hoang, DN Nguyen, PN Pathirana, ...
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 191, 103141, 2021
Joint power control and user association for NOMA-based full-duplex systems
HV Nguyen, VD Nguyen, OA Dobre, DN Nguyen, E Dutkiewicz, OS Shin
IEEE Transactions on Communications 67 (11), 8037-8055, 2019
Price-based joint beamforming and spectrum management in multi-antenna cognitive radio networks
DN Nguyen, M Krunz
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 30 (11), 2295-2305, 2012
Transfer learning for future wireless networks: A comprehensive survey
CT Nguyen, N Van Huynh, NH Chu, YM Saputra, DT Hoang, DN Nguyen, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.07572, 2021
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Articles 1–20