Kua Harn Wei
Kua Harn Wei
Dean's Chair Associate Professor, DBE, NUS
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Construction and demolition waste management in China through the 3R principle
B Huang, X Wang, H Kua, Y Geng, R Bleischwitz, J Ren
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 129, 36-44, 2018
Multifunctional applications of biochar beyond carbon storage
N Bolan, SA Hoang, J Beiyuan, S Gupta, D Hou, A Karakoti, S Joseph, ...
International Materials Reviews 67 (2), 150-200, 2022
Use of biochar as carbon sequestering additive in cement mortar
S Gupta, HW Kua, CY Low
Cement and concrete composites 87, 110-129, 2018
Biochar-based adsorbents for carbon dioxide capture: A critical review
PD Dissanayake, S You, AD Igalavithana, Y Xia, A Bhatnagar, S Gupta, ...
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 119, 109582, 2020
Application of biochar from food and wood waste as green admixture for cement mortar
S Gupta, HW Kua, HJ Koh
Science of the total environment 619, 419-435, 2018
Factors determining the potential of biochar as a carbon capturing and sequestering construction material: critical review
S Gupta, HW Kua
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 29 (9), 04017086, 2017
Autonomous healing in concrete by bio-based healing agents–A review
S Gupta, S Dai Pang, HW Kua
Construction and Building Materials 146, 419-428, 2017
Biochar-mortar composite: Manufacturing, evaluation of physical properties and economic viability
S Gupta, HW Kua, S Dai Pang
Construction and Building Materials 167, 874-889, 2018
Effect of water entrainment by pre-soaked biochar particles on strength and permeability of cement mortar
S Gupta, HW Kua
Construction and Building Materials 159, 107-125, 2018
Waste Valorisation using biochar for cement replacement and internal curing in ultra-high performance concrete
A Dixit, S Gupta, S Dai Pang, HW Kua
Journal of Cleaner Production 238, 117876, 2019
Healing cement mortar by immobilization of bacteria in biochar: An integrated approach of self-healing and carbon sequestration
S Gupta, HW Kua, S Dai Pang
Cement and Concrete Composites 86, 238-254, 2018
Energy analysis of semi-transparent BIPV in Singapore buildings
PK Ng, N Mithraratne, HW Kua
Energy and buildings 66, 274-281, 2013
The roles of biochar as green admixture for sediment-based construction products
L Wang, L Chen, DCW Tsang, HW Kua, J Yang, YS Ok, S Ding, D Hou, ...
Cement and Concrete Composites 104, 103348, 2019
Biochar industry to circular economy
Q Hu, J Jung, D Chen, K Leong, S Song, F Li, BC Mohan, Z Yao, ...
Science of the Total Environment 757, 143820, 2021
Biochar-immobilized bacteria and superabsorbent polymers enable self-healing of fiber-reinforced concrete after multiple damage cycles
HW Kua, S Gupta, AN Aday, WV Srubar III
Cement and Concrete Composites 100, 35-52, 2019
Carbonaceous micro-filler for cement: Effect of particle size and dosage of biochar on fresh and hardened properties of cement mortar
S Gupta, HW Kua
Science of the Total Environment 662, 952-962, 2019
Encapsulation technology and techniques in self-healing concrete
G Souradeep, HW Kua
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 28 (12), 04016165, 2016
Effect of biochar on mechanical and permeability properties of concrete exposed to elevated temperature
S Gupta, HW Kua, S Dai Pang
Construction and Building Materials 234, 117338, 2020
Application of rice husk biochar and thermally treated low silica rice husk ash to improve physical properties of cement mortar
S Muthukrishnan, S Gupta, HW Kua
Theoretical and applied fracture mechanics 104, 102376, 2019
Demonstration intelligent building—a methodology for the promotion of total sustainability in the built environment
HW Kua, SE Lee
Building and Environment 37 (3), 231-240, 2002
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Articles 1–20