Meet Shah
Cited by
Cited by
Towards VQA Models That Can Read
A Singh, V Natarajan, M Shah, Y Jiang, X Chen, D Batra, D Parikh, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2019
Pythia-A platform for vision & language research
A Singh, V Natarajan, Y Jiang, X Chen, M Shah, M Rohrbach, D Batra, ...
NIPS 2018 MLSys Workshop on Systems for ML and Open Source Software, 2018
Cycle-Consistency for Robust Visual Question Answering
M Shah, X Chen, M Rohrbach, D Parikh
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2019
Leaf Classification using Marginalized Shape Context and Shape + Texture Dual-path Deep Convolutional Neural Network
MP Shah, S Singha, SP Awate
Image Processing (ICIP), 2017 IEEE International Conference on, 860-864, 2017
Conditional Entropy Coding for Efficient Video Compression
J Liu, S Wang, WC Ma, M Shah, R Hu, P Dhawan, R Urtasun
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2020, 2020
MS-Net: Mixed-Supervision Fully-Convolutional Networks for Full-Resolution Segmentation
MP Shah, SN Merchant, A SP
Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2018) 4 …, 2018
A multisite study of a breast density deep learning model for full-field digital mammography and synthetic mammography
TP Matthews, S Singh, B Mombourquette, J Su, MP Shah, S Pedemonte, ...
Radiology: Artificial Intelligence 3 (1), e200015, 2020
LiRaNet: End-to-End Trajectory Prediction using Spatio-Temporal Radar Fusion
M Shah, Z Huang, A Laddha, M Langford, B Barber, S Zhang, ...
Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL), 2020
Abnormality Detection using Deep Neural Networks with Robust Quasi-norm Autoencoding and Semi-Supervised Learning
MP Shah, SN Merchant, SP Awate
Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2018), 2018 IEEE 15th International Symposium on …, 2018
Adaptation of a deep learning malignancy model from full-field digital mammography to digital breast tomosynthesis
S Singh, TP Matthews, M Shah, B Mombourquette, T Tsue, A Long, ...
Medical Imaging 2020: Computer-Aided Diagnosis 11314, 25-32, 2020
Annotation-cost Minimization for Medical Image Segmentation using Suggestive Mixed Supervision Fully Convolutional Networks
MP Shah, YS Bhalgat, SP Awate
NIPS 2018 Workshop on Medical Imaging, 2018
MMF: a multimodal framework for vision and language research (2020)
A Singh, V Goswami, V Natarajan, Y Jiang, X Chen, M Shah, M Rohrbach, ...
URL: https://github. com/facebookresearch/mmf, 0
A multi-site study of a breast density deep learning model for full-field digital mammography and digital breast tomosynthesis exams
TP Matthews, S Singh, B Mombourquette, J Su, MP Shah, S Pedemonte, ...
Radiology: Artificial Intelligence, 2020
A deep learning algorithm for reducing false positives in screening mammography
S Pedemonte, T Tsue, B Mombourquette, YNT Vu, T Matthews, RM Hoil, ...
Radiology Artifical Intelligence, 2024
Systems and Methods for End-to-End Trajectory Prediction Using Radar, Lidar, and Maps
M Shah, A Laddha, CV Gonzalez
US Patent App. 17/095,227, 2022
End-to-End Object Detection and Trajectory Prediction using Spatio-Temporal Fusion of RADAR with LiDAR and HDMap
M Shah, A Laddha, CV Gonzalez
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2021
A Hypersensitive Breast Cancer Detector
S Pedemonte, B Mombourquette, A Goh, T Tsue, A Long, S Singh, ...
Medical Imaging 2020: Computer-Aided Diagnosis, 2020
Semantic Segmentation Algorithms Implemented in PyTorch
MP Shah, 2017
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Articles 1–18