Darvin Yi
Darvin Yi
Assistant Professor, UIC Dept. of Ophthalmology; Technical Director, UIC Ai-O
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Cited by
Differential data augmentation techniques for medical imaging classification tasks
Z Hussain, F Gimenez, D Yi, D Rubin
AMIA annual symposium proceedings 2017, 979, 2017
Automated detection of diabetic retinopathy using deep learning
C Lam, D Yi, M Guo, T Lindsey
AMIA summits on translational science proceedings 2018, 147, 2018
Evaluation of combined artificial intelligence and radiologist assessment to interpret screening mammograms
T Schaffter, DSM Buist, CI Lee, Y Nikulin, D Ribli, Y Guan, W Lotter, Z Jie, ...
JAMA network open 3 (3), e200265-e200265, 2020
Distributed deep learning networks among institutions for medical imaging
K Chang, N Balachandar, C Lam, D Yi, J Brown, A Beers, B Rosen, ...
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 25 (8), 945-954, 2018
Deep learning enables automatic detection and segmentation of brain metastases on multisequence MRI
E Grøvik, D Yi, M Iv, E Tong, D Rubin, G Zaharchuk
Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 51 (1), 175-182, 2020
Assessment of convolutional neural networks for automated classification of chest radiographs
JA Dunnmon, D Yi, CP Langlotz, C Ré, DL Rubin, MP Lungren
Radiology 290 (2), 537-544, 2019
CT-ORG, a new dataset for multiple organ segmentation in computed tomography
B Rister, D Yi, K Shivakumar, T Nobashi, DL Rubin
Scientific Data 7 (1), 381, 2020
3-D convolutional neural networks for glioblastoma segmentation
D Yi, M Zhou, Z Chen, O Gevaert
arXiv preprint arXiv:1611.04534, 2016
Optimizing and visualizing deep learning for benign/malignant classification in breast tumors
D Yi, RL Sawyer, D Cohn III, J Dunnmon, C Lam, X Xiao, D Rubin
arXiv preprint arXiv:1705.06362, 2017
Handling missing MRI sequences in deep learning segmentation of brain metastases: a multicenter study
E Grøvik, D Yi, M Iv, E Tong, LB Nilsen, A Latysheva, C Saxhaug, ...
NPJ digital medicine 4 (1), 33, 2021
A critical-like collective state leads to long-range cell communication in Dictyostelium discoideum aggregation
G De Palo, D Yi, RG Endres
PLoS biology 15 (4), e1002602, 2017
Deep Learning for abnormality detection in Chest X-Ray images
C Tataru, D Yi, A Shenoyas, A Ma
IEEE conference on deep learning, 2017
Evaluation of artificial intelligence–based intraoperative guidance tools for phacoemulsification cataract surgery
RG Nespolo, D Yi, E Cole, N Valikodath, C Luciano, YI Leiderman
JAMA ophthalmology 140 (2), 170-177, 2022
The game imitation: Deep supervised convolutional networks for quick video game AI
Z Chen, D Yi
arXiv preprint arXiv:1702.05663, 2017
2.5 D and 3D segmentation of brain metastases with deep learning on multinational MRI data
JA Ottesen, D Yi, E Tong, M Iv, A Latysheva, C Saxhaug, KD Jacobsen, ...
Frontiers in Neuroinformatics 16, 1056068, 2023
Evaluation of combined artificial intelligence and radiologist assessment to interpret screening mammograms. JAMA Netw Open. 2020; 3 (3): e200265
T Schaffter, DSM Buist, CI Lee, Y Nikulin, D Ribli, Y Guan, W Lotter, Z Jie, ...
Feature tracking and segmentation in real time via deep learning in vitreoretinal surgery: a platform for artificial intelligence-mediated surgical guidance
RG Nespolo, D Yi, E Cole, D Wang, A Warren, YI Leiderman
Ophthalmology Retina 7 (3), 236-242, 2023
MRI pulse sequence integration for deep‐learning‐based brain metastases segmentation
D Yi, E Grøvik, E Tong, M Iv, KE Emblem, LB Nilsen, C Saxhaug, ...
Medical Physics 48 (10), 6020-6035, 2021
Systems and Methods for Clinical Image Classification
D Yi, TC Chang, JC Liao, DL Rubin
US Patent App. 15/917,494, 2018
CT organ segmentation using GPU data augmentation, unsupervised labels and IOU loss
B Rister, D Yi, K Shivakumar, T Nobashi, DL Rubin
arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.11226, 2018
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Articles 1–20