Johannes Schachenmayer
Johannes Schachenmayer
CNRS, Institut de science et d'ingénierie supramoléculaires (ISIS), Université de Strasbourg
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Conductivity in organic semiconductors hybridized with the vacuum field
E Orgiu, J George, JA Hutchison, E Devaux, JF Dayen, B Doudin, ...
Nature Materials 14 (11), 1123-1129, 2015
Measuring entanglement growth in quench dynamics of bosons in an optical lattice
AJ Daley, H Pichler, J Schachenmayer, P Zoller
Physical review letters 109 (2), 020505, 2012
Cavity-enhanced transport of excitons
J Schachenmayer, C Genes, E Tignone, G Pupillo
Physical review letters 114 (19), 196403, 2015
Entanglement growth in quench dynamics with variable range interactions
J Schachenmayer, BP Lanyon, CF Roos, AJ Daley
Physical Review X 3, 031015, 2013
Many-body quantum spin dynamics with Monte Carlo trajectories on a discrete phase space
J Schachenmayer, A Pikovski, AM Rey
Physical Review X 5 (1), 011022, 2015
Collective atomic scattering and motional effects in a dense coherent medium
SL Bromley, B Zhu, M Bishof, X Zhang, T Bothwell, J Schachenmayer, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 11039, 2016
Dynamical crystal creation with polar molecules or Rydberg atoms in optical lattices
J Schachenmayer, I Lesanovsky, A Micheli, AJ Daley
New Journal of Physics 12 (10), 103044, 2010
Suppressing the loss of ultracold molecules via the continuous quantum Zeno effect
B Zhu, B Gadway, M Foss-Feig, J Schachenmayer, ML Wall, ...
Physical review letters 112 (7), 070404, 2014
Cavity-enhanced transport of charge
D Hagenmüller, J Schachenmayer, S Schütz, C Genes, G Pupillo
Physical review letters 119 (22), 223601, 2017
Entanglement growth and correlation spreading with variable-range interactions in spin and fermionic tunneling models
AS Buyskikh, M Fagotti, J Schachenmayer, F Essler, AJ Daley
Physical Review A 93 (5), 053620, 2016
Synchronization of interacting quantum dipoles
B Zhu, J Schachenmayer, M Xu, F Herrera, JG Restrepo, MJ Holland, ...
New Journal of Physics 17 (8), 083063, 2015
Exploring superconductivity under strong coupling with the vacuum electromagnetic field
A Thomas, E Devaux, K Nagarajan, T Chervy, M Seidel, D Hagenmüller, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.01459, 2019
Dark state semilocalization of quantum emitters in a cavity
T Botzung, D Hagenmüller, S Schütz, J Dubail, G Pupillo, ...
Physical Review B 102 (14), 144202, 2020
Out-of-equilibrium quantum magnetism and thermalization in a spin-3 many-body dipolar lattice system
S Lepoutre, J Schachenmayer, L Gabardos, B Zhu, B Naylor, E Maréchal, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 1714, 2019
Dynamics of correlations in two-dimensional quantum spin models with long-range interactions: a phase-space Monte-Carlo study
J Schachenmayer, A Pikovski, AM Rey
New Journal of Physics 17 (6), 065009, 2015
Heating dynamics of bosonic atoms in a noisy optical lattice
H Pichler, J Schachenmayer, AJ Daley, P Zoller
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 87 (3), 033606, 2013
Cavity-assisted mesoscopic transport of fermions: Coherent and dissipative dynamics
D Hagenmüller, S Schütz, J Schachenmayer, C Genes, G Pupillo
Physical Review B 97 (20), 205303, 2018
A generalized phase space approach for solving quantum spin dynamics
B Zhu, AM Rey, J Schachenmayer
New Journal of Physics 21 (8), 082001, 2019
Photon blockade with ground-state neutral atoms
A Cidrim, TS do Espirito Santo, J Schachenmayer, R Kaiser, R Bachelard
Physical Review Letters 125 (7), 073601, 2020
Doublon dynamics and polar molecule production in an optical lattice
JP Covey, SA Moses, M Gärttner, A Safavi-Naini, MT Miecnikowski, Z Fu, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 11279, 2016
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Articles 1–20