Nikolaos Gatsis
Cited by
Cited by
Robust energy management for microgrids with high-penetration renewables
Y Zhang, N Gatsis, GB Giannakis
IEEE transactions on sustainable energy 4 (4), 944-953, 2013
Modern WLAN fingerprinting indoor positioning methods and deployment challenges
A Khalajmehrabadi, N Gatsis, D Akopian
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 19 (3), 1974-2002, 2017
Monitoring and optimization for power grids: A signal processing perspective
GB Giannakis, V Kekatos, N Gatsis, SJ Kim, H Zhu, BF Wollenberg
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 30 (5), 107-128, 2013
Residential Load Control: Distributed Scheduling and Convergence with Lost AMI Messages
N Gatsis, GB Giannakis
Smart Grid, IEEE Transactions on, 2012
Battle of the attack detection algorithms: Disclosing cyber attacks on water distribution networks
R Taormina, S Galelli, NO Tippenhauer, E Salomons, A Ostfeld, ...
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 144 (8), 04018048, 2018
Comprehensive modeling of three-phase distribution systems via the bus admittance matrix
M Bazrafshan, N Gatsis
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 33 (2), 2015-2029, 2017
Decentralized stochastic optimal power flow in radial networks with distributed generation
M Bazrafshan, N Gatsis
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 8 (2), 787-801, 2016
Cooperative multi-residence demand response scheduling
N Gatsis, GB Giannakis
2011 45th annual conference on information sciences and systems, 1-6, 2011
Vulnerability analysis of smart grids to GPS spoofing
P Risbud, N Gatsis, A Taha
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 10 (4), 3535-3548, 2018
Decomposition algorithms for market clearing with large-scale demand response
N Gatsis, GB Giannakis
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 4 (4), 1976-1987, 2013
A joint indoor WLAN localization and outlier detection scheme using LASSO and elastic-net optimization techniques
A Khalajmehrabadi, N Gatsis, DJ Pack, D Akopian
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 16 (8), 2079-2092, 2016
Convergence of the Z-bus method for three-phase distribution load-flow with ZIP loads
M Bazrafshan, N Gatsis
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 33 (1), 153-165, 2017
A GPS spoofing detection and classification correlator-based technique using the LASSO
E Schmidt, N Gatsis, D Akopian
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 56 (6), 4224-4237, 2020
Buildings-to-grid integration framework
AF Taha, N Gatsis, B Dong, A Pipri, Z Li
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 10 (2), 1237-1249, 2017
Designing reactive power control rules for smart inverters using support vector machines
M Jalali, V Kekatos, N Gatsis, D Deka
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 11 (2), 1759-1770, 2019
Residential demand response with interruptible tasks: Duality and algorithms
N Gatsis, GB Giannakis
2011 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control …, 2011
Real-time rejection and mitigation of time synchronization attacks on the global positioning system
A Khalajmehrabadi, N Gatsis, D Akopian, AF Taha
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 65 (8), 6425-6435, 2018
Occupancy-based buildings-to-grid integration framework for smart and connected communities
B Dong, Z Li, A Taha, N Gatsis
Applied energy 219, 123-137, 2018
Structured group sparsity: A novel indoor WLAN localization, outlier detection, and radio map interpolation scheme
A Khalajmehrabadi, N Gatsis, D Akopian
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 66 (7), 6498-6510, 2016
Power control for cooperative dynamic spectrum access networks with diverse QoS constraints
N Gatsis, AG Marques, GB Giannakis
IEEE transactions on communications 58 (3), 933-944, 2010
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Articles 1–20