Ravi Seshadri
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Cited by
Automated mobility-on-demand vs. mass transit: a multi-modal activity-driven agent-based simulation approach
R Basu, A Araldo, AP Akkinepally, BH Nahmias Biran, K Basak, ...
Transportation Research Record 2672 (8), 608-618, 2018
Finding most reliable paths on networks with correlated and shifted log–normal travel times
KK Srinivasan, AA Prakash, R Seshadri
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 66, 110-128, 2014
Assessing the impacts of automated mobility-on-demand through agent-based simulation: A study of Singapore
S Oh, R Seshadri, CL Azevedo, N Kumar, K Basak, M Ben-Akiva
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 138, 367-388, 2020
Rainfall‐integrated traffic speed prediction using deep learning method
Y Jia, J Wu, M Ben‐Akiva, R Seshadri, Y Du
IET Intelligent Transport Systems 11 (9), 531-536, 2017
Behavioral modeling of on-demand mobility services: General framework and application to sustainable travel incentives
Y Xie, M Danaf, C Lima Azevedo, AP Akkinepally, B Atasoy, K Jeong, ...
Transportation 46, 2017-2039, 2019
Tripod: sustainable travel incentives with prediction, optimization, and personalization
CL Azevedo, R Seshadri, S Gao, B Atasoy, AP Akkinepally, E Christofa, ...
Proceedings of the Transportation Research Record 97th Annual Meeting, 2018
Congestion tolling-dollars versus tokens: A comparative analysis
A de Palma, S Proost, R Seshadri, M Ben-Akiva
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 108, 261-280, 2018
Algorithm for determining most reliable travel time path on network with normally distributed and correlated link travel times
R Seshadri, KK Srinivasan
Transportation research record 2196 (1), 83-92, 2010
System-level optimization of multi-modal transportation networks for energy efficiency using personalized incentives: formulation, implementation, and performance
A Araldo, S Gao, R Seshadri, CL Azevedo, H Ghafourian, Y Sui, S Ayaz, ...
Transportation Research Record 2673 (12), 425-438, 2019
Dynamit2. 0: Architecture design and preliminary results on real-time data fusion for traffic prediction and crisis management
Y Lu, R Seshadri, F Pereira, A O'Sullivan, C Antoniou, M Ben-Akiva
2015 IEEE 18th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation …, 2015
A simulation-based evaluation of a Cargo-Hitching service for E-commerce using mobility-on-demand vehicles
A Romano Alho, T Sakai, S Oh, C Cheng, R Seshadri, WH Chong, Y Hara, ...
Future Transportation 1 (3), 639-656, 2021
Evaluating automated demand responsive transit using microsimulation
S Oh, R Seshadri, DT Le, PC Zegras, ME Ben-Akiva
IEEE Access 8, 82551-82561, 2020
From traditional to automated mobility on demand: a comprehensive framework for modeling on-demand services in SimMobility
B Nahmias-Biran, JB Oke, N Kumar, K Basak, A Araldo, R Seshadri, ...
Transportation Research Record 2673 (12), 15-29, 2019
Improving scalability of generic online calibration for real-time dynamic traffic assignment systems
AA Prakash, R Seshadri, C Antoniou, FC Pereira, M Ben-Akiva
Transportation Research Record 2672 (48), 79-92, 2018
Hierarchical density-based clustering methods for tolling zone definition and their impact on distance-based toll optimization
AF Lentzakis, R Seshadri, A Akkinepally, VA Vu, M Ben-Akiva
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 118, 102685, 2020
Demand calibration of multimodal microscopic traffic simulation using weighted discrete SPSA
S Oh, R Seshadri, CL Azevedo, ME Ben-Akiva
Transportation Research Record 2673 (5), 503-514, 2019
Adaptive transit design: Optimizing fixed and demand responsive multi-modal transportation via continuous approximation
G Calabrň, A Araldo, S Oh, R Seshadri, G Inturri, M Ben-Akiva
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 171, 103643, 2023
Impacts of Automated Mobility-on-Demand on traffic dynamics, energy and emissions: A case study of Singapore
S Oh, AF Lentzakis, R Seshadri, M Ben-Akiva
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 110, 102327, 2021
Reducing the dimension of online calibration in dynamic traffic assignment systems
AA Prakash, R Seshadri, C Antoniou, FC Pereira, ME Ben-Akiva
Transportation Research Record 2667 (1), 96-107, 2017
Household-based E-commerce demand modeling for an agent-based urban transportation simulation platform
T Sakai, Y Hara, R Seshadri, AR Alho, MS Hasnine, P Jing, ZY Chua, ...
Transportation Planning and Technology 45 (2), 179-201, 2022
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Articles 1–20