Jinguang Han
Cited by
Cited by
When intrusion detection meets blockchain technology: a review
W Meng, EW Tischhauser, Q Wang, Y Wang, J Han
Ieee Access 6, 10179-10188, 2018
KSF-OABE: Outsourced attribute-based encryption with keyword search function for cloud storage
J Li, X Lin, Y Zhang, J Han
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 10 (5), 715-725, 2016
Flexible and fine-grained attribute-based data storage in cloud computing
J Li, W Yao, Y Zhang, H Qian, J Han
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 10 (5), 785-796, 2016
User collusion avoidance CP-ABE with efficient attribute revocation for cloud storage
J Li, W Yao, J Han, Y Zhang, J Shen
IEEE Systems Journal 12 (2), 1767-1777, 2017
Privacy-preserving decentralized key-policy attribute-based encryption
J Han, W Susilo, Y Mu, J Yan
IEEE transactions on parallel and distributed systems 23 (11), 2150-2162, 2012
Privacy-preserving personal health record using multi-authority attribute-based encryption with revocation
H Qian, J Li, Y Zhang, J Han
International Journal of Information Security 14, 487-497, 2015
Improving privacy and security in decentralized ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption
J Han, W Susilo, Y Mu, J Zhou, MHA Au
IEEE transactions on information forensics and security 10 (3), 665-678, 2014
Full verifiability for outsourced decryption in attribute based encryption
J Li, Y Wang, Y Zhang, J Han
IEEE transactions on services computing 13 (3), 478-487, 2017
A novel efficient remote data possession checking protocol in cloud storage
H Yan, J Li, J Han, Y Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 12 (1), 78-88, 2016
Identity-based data storage in cloud computing
J Han, W Susilo, Y Mu
Future Generation Computer Systems 29 (3), 673-681, 2013
User collusion avoidance scheme for privacy-preserving decentralized key-policy attribute-based encryption
Y Rahulamathavan, S Veluru, J Han, F Li, M Rajarajan, R Lu
IEEE Transactions on Computers 65 (9), 2939-2946, 2015
Key escrow-free attribute based encryption with user revocation
R Zhang, J Li, Y Lu, J Han, Y Zhang
Information Sciences 600, 59-72, 2022
Towards leakage-resilient fine-grained access control in fog computing
Z Yu, MH Au, Q Xu, R Yang, J Han
Future Generation Computer Systems 78, 763-777, 2018
Toward practical privacy-preserving processing over encrypted data in IoT: an assistive healthcare use case
L Jiang, L Chen, T Giannetsos, B Luo, K Liang, J Han
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 6 (6), 10177-10190, 2019
Enhancing the security of FinTech applications with map-based graphical password authentication
W Meng, L Zhu, W Li, J Han, Y Li
Future Generation Computer Systems 101, 1018-1027, 2019
VOD-ADAC: Anonymous distributed fine-grained access control protocol with verifiable outsourced decryption in public cloud
H Wang, D He, J Han
IEEE transactions on services computing 13 (3), 572-583, 2017
PPDCP-ABE: Privacy-preserving decentralized ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption
J Han, W Susilo, Y Mu, J Zhou, MH Au
Computer Security-ESORICS 2014: 19th European Symposium on Research in …, 2014
Efficient attribute based server-aided verification signature
Y Chen, J Li, C Liu, J Han, Y Zhang, P Yi
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 15 (6), 3224-3232, 2021
Accountable mobile E-commerce scheme via identity-based plaintext-checkable encryption
J Han, Y Yang, X Huang, TH Yuen, J Li, J Cao
Information Sciences 345, 143-155, 2016
Efficient revocable attribute-based encryption with verifiable data integrity
S Chen, J Li, Y Zhang, J Han
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 11 (6), 10441-10451, 2023
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