Paul Tyler
Paul Tyler
CSIRO, Data61
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Cited by
The impact of adverse weather conditions on autonomous vehicles: How rain, snow, fog, and hail affect the performance of a self-driving car
S Zang, M Ding, D Smith, P Tyler, T Rakotoarivelo, MA Kaafar
IEEE vehicular technology magazine 14 (2), 103-111, 2019
Privacy risk quantification in education data using Markov model
D Vatsalan, T Rakotoarivelo, R Bhaskar, P Tyler, D Ladjal
British Journal of Educational Technology 53 (4), 804-821, 2022
Privacy-preserved optimal energy trading, statistics, and forecasting for a neighborhood area network
D Smith, P Wang, M Ding, J Chan, B Spak, X Guan, P Tyler, ...
Computer 53 (5), 25-34, 2020
An investigation of positioning accuracy transmitted by connected heavy vehicles using DSRC
AS Mihaita, P Tyler, A Menon, T Wen, Y Ou, C Chen, F Chen
Proceedings of Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, 2017
Making the most of parallel composition in differential privacy
J Smith, HJ Asghar, G Gioiosa, S Mrabet, S Gaspers, P Tyler
arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.09078, 2021
Differentially private release of public transport data: The opal use case
HJ Asghar, P Tyler, MA Kaafar
arXiv preprint arXiv:1705.05957, 2017
Citi-an update on australia’s first pilot deployment of cits
P Tyler, J Wall, V Vecovski
Proceedings of 23rd ITS World Congress, Melbourne, 2016
Positioning and collision alert investigation for DSRC-equipped light vehicles through a case study in CITI
AS MIHAITA, P Tyler, J Wall, V Vecovsky, C Cai
ITS World Congress, 2017
The CITI project-Australia's first cooperative intelligent transport system test facility for safety applications
JP Wall, P Tyler
Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety 25 (2), 64-65, 2014
From 5G to 6G: A Survey on Security, Privacy, and Standardization Pathways
M Yang, Y Qu, T Ranbaduge, C Thapa, N Sultan, M Ding, H Suzuki, W Ni, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.21986, 2024
Maximising positive driver behaviour change and minimising driver distraction in the deployment of Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems
V Vecovski, J Wall, K Young, P Tyler
Australasian Road Safety Conference, 1st, 2015, Gold Coast, Queensland …, 2015
The CITI project–An update on Australia’s first deployment of Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems targeting heavy vehicle safety
P Tylera, J Wallb
Australasian Road Safety Research Policing Education Conference, 2014 …, 2014
Trusted data sharing for mineral exploration and mining tenements
M Ding, D Vatsalan, I Gonzalez-Alvarez, S M'rabet, P Tyler, J Klump
Journal of Geochemical Exploration 267, 107580, 2024
Multi-Resolution Differentially-Private Data: Model and Protocol
F Farokhi, T Rakotoarivelo, M Ding, P Tyler, E Vercoe
Trialing connected vehicle technology in privately-owned light vehicles: An Australian first
A Chevalier, V Vecovski, C Wright, P Tyler, J Wall
Australasian Road Safety Conference, 2018, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, 2018
On the Privacy of the Opal Data Release: A Response
HJ Asghar, P Tyler, MA Kaafar
arXiv preprint arXiv:1705.08994, 2017
On the Privacy of the Opal Data Release: A Response
H Jameel Asghar, P Tyler, MA Kaafar
arXiv e-prints, arXiv: 1705.08994, 2017
Differentially Private Release of Public Transport Data: The Opal Use Case
H Jameel Asghar, P Tyler, MA Kaafar
arXiv e-prints, arXiv: 1705.05957, 2017
Positioning and collision alert investigation for DSRC-equipped light vehicles through a case study in CITI
AS Mihăiţă, P Tyler, J MWall, V Vecovsky, C Cai
ITS World Congress 2017, Montreal, 2017
Heavy vehicle driver acceptance of safety applications in a trial of CITS
V Vecovski, J Wall, D Elliott, R McPhedran, P Tyler
Australasian Road Safety Conference, 2016, Canberra, ACT, Australia, 2016
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Articles 1–20