Mostafa Abdelrahman
Mostafa Abdelrahman
Post Doctoral Associates, Rapid Prototyping Center, University of Louisville, KY, USA.
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Cited by
Flaw detection in powder bed fusion using optical imaging
M Abdelrahman, EW Reutzel, AR Nassar, TL Starr
Additive Manufacturing 15, 1-11, 2017
SHREC’14 track: Retrieval and classification on textured 3D models
S Biasotti, A Cerri, M Abdelrahman, M Aono, AB Hamza, M El-Melegy, ...
Proceedings of the Eurographics workshop on 3d object retrieval, 111-120, 2014
Identification of tuberculosis bacilli in ZN-stained sputum smear images: a deep learning approach
M El-Melegy, D Mohamed, T ElMelegy, M Abdelrahman
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2019
SHREC'13 Track: Retrieval on Textured 3D Models.
A Cerri, S Biasotti, M Abdelrahman, J Angulo, K Berger, L Chevallier, ...
3DOR@ Eurographics, 73-80, 2013
Quality certification and control of polymer laser sintering: layerwise temperature monitoring using thermal imaging
M Abdelrahman, TL Starr
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 84, 831-842, 2016
Novel Image-Based 3D Reconstruction of the Human Jaw using Shape from Shading and Feature Descriptors.
AS Abdelrahim, M Abdelrahman, HE Abdelmunim, AA Farag, M Miller
BMVC, 1-11, 2011
Heat kernels for non-rigid shape retrieval: sparse representation and efficient classification
M Abdelrahman, M El-Melegy, A Farag
2012 Ninth Conference on Computer and Robot Vision, 153-160, 2012
Flaw detection in powder bed fusion using optical imaging. Addit Manuf 15: 1–11
M Abdelrahman, EW Reutzel, AR Nassar, TL Starr
Shape modeling of the corpus callosum
A Farag, S Elhabian, M Abdelrahman, J Graham, A Farag, D Chen, ...
2010 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2010
SHREC'13 Track: Retrieval of Objects Captured with Low-Cost Depth-Sensing Cameras.
J Machado, A Ferreira, PB Pascoal, M Abdelrahman, M Aono, ...
3DOR@ Eurographics, 65-71, 2013
Image retrieval based on content and image compression
AS Abdelrahim, MA Abdelrahman, A Mahmoud, AA Farag
2011 International Conference on Multimedia Technology, 6696-6703, 2011
3D object classification using scale invariant heat kernels with collaborative classification
M Abdelrahman, M El-Melegy, A Farag
Computer Vision–ECCV 2012. Workshops and Demonstrations: Florence, Italy …, 2012
Flaw detection in powder bed fusion using optical imaging, Addit. Manuf. 15 (2017) 1–11
M Abdelrahman, EW Reutzel, AR Nassar, TL Starr
Layerwise Monitoring of Polymer Laser Sintering Using Thermal Imaging
M Abdelrahman, TL Starr
25th Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium SFF 2014, 2014
Precise change detection in multi-spectral remote sensing imagery using SIFT-based registration
M Abdelrahman, A Ali, AA Farag
2011 International Conference on Multimedia Technology, 6238-6242, 2011
A passive stereo system for 3D human face reconstruction and recognition at a distance
M Abdelrahman, A Ali, S Elhabian, H Rara, AA Farag
2012 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2012
Feedforward Control for Polymer Laser Sintering Process Using Part Geometry
M Abdelrahman, TL Starr
26th Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium SFF 2015, page 492, 2015
Heat diffusion over weighted manifolds: A new descriptor for textured 3D non-rigid shapes
M Abdelrahman, A Farag, D Swanson, MT El-Melegy
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2015
New approach for classification of autistic vs. typically developing brain using white matter volumes
M Abdelrahman, A Ali, A Farag, MF Casanova, A Farag
2012 Ninth Conference on Computer and Robot Vision, 284-289, 2012
SHREC13: Retrieval of objects captured with low-cost depth-sensing cameras
M Abdelrahman, M Aono, M El-Melegy, A Farag, A FER-REIRA, H Johan, ...
Proc. Eurographics Workshop, 2013
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Articles 1–20