Sanjay Rajopadhye
Sanjay Rajopadhye
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Cited by
Generation of efficient nested loops from polyhedra
F Quilleré, S Rajopadhye, D Wilde
International journal of parallel programming 28, 469-498, 2000
On synthesizing systolic arrays from recurrence equations with linear dependencies
SV Rajopadhye, S Purushothaman, RM Fujimoto
Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science: Sixth …, 1986
Unbounded knapsack problem: Dynamic programming revisited
R Andonov, V Poirriez, S Rajopadhye
European Journal of Operational Research 123 (2), 394-407, 2000
Synthesizing systolic arrays with control signals from recurrence equations
SV Rajopadhye
Distributed Computing 3 (2), 88-105, 1989
Optimizing memory usage in the polyhedral model
F Quilleré, S Rajopadhye
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS) 22 (5), 773-815, 2000
Parameterized tiled loops for free
L Renganarayanan, DG Kim, S Rajopadhye, MM Strout
Proceedings of the 28th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language …, 2007
OREGAMI: Tools for mapping parallel computations to parallel architectures
VM Lo, S Rajopadhye, S Gupta, D Keldsen, MA Mohamed, B Nitzberg, ...
International Journal of Parallel Programming 20 (3), 237-270, 1991
AlphaZ: A system for design space exploration in the polyhedral model
T Yuki, G Gupta, DG Kim, T Pathan, S Rajopadhye
International Workshop on Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing, 17-31, 2012
Multi-level tiling: M for the price of one
DG Kim, L Renganarayanan, D Rostron, S Rajopadhye, MM Strout
Proceedings of the 2007 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing, 1-12, 2007
Optimal orthogonal tiling of 2-D iterations
R Andonov, S Rajopadhye
Journal of Parallel and Distributed computing 45 (2), 159-165, 1997
Improving reliability of islanded distribution systems with distributed renewable energy resources
HE Brown, S Suryanarayanan, SA Natarajan, S Rajopadhye
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 3 (4), 2028-2038, 2012
Automatic creation of tile size selection models
T Yuki, L Renganarayanan, S Rajopadhye, C Anderson, AE Eichenberger, ...
Proceedings of the 8th annual IEEE/ACM international symposium on Code …, 2010
Optimal semi-oblique tiling
R Andonov, S Balev, S Rajopadhye, N Yanev
Proceedings of the thirteenth annual ACM symposium on Parallel algorithms …, 2001
Scheduling affine parameterized recurrences by means of
C Mauras, P Quinton, S Rajopadhye, Y Saouter
[1990] Proceedings of the International Conference on Application Specific …, 1990
ompVerify: polyhedral analysis for the OpenMP programmer
V Basupalli, T Yuki, S Rajopadhye, A Morvan, S Derrien, P Quinton, ...
OpenMP in the Petascale Era: 7th International Workshop on OpenMP, IWOMP …, 2011
On manipulating Z-polyhedra using a canonical representation
P Quinton, S Rajopadhye, T Risset
Parallel Processing Letters 7 (02), 181-194, 1997
Memory reuse analysis in the polyhedral model
D Wilde, S Rajopadhye
Euro-Par'96 Parallel Processing: Second International Euro-Par Conference …, 1996
Folklore Confirmed: Compiling for Speed Compiling for Energy
T Yuki, S Rajopadhye
International Workshop on Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing …, 2013
Towards optimal multi-level tiling for stencil computations
L Renganarayana, M Harthikote-Matha, R Dewri, S Rajopadhye
2007 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 1-10, 2007
A geometric programming framework for optimal multi-level tiling
L Renganarayana, S Rajopadhye
SC'04: Proceedings of the 2004 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing, 18-18, 2004
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Articles 1–20