Spectra, euclidean representations and clusterings of hypergraphs M Bolla
Discrete Mathematics 117 (1-3), 19-39, 1993
113 1993 Spectral clustering and biclustering: Learning large graphs and contingency tables M Bolla
John Wiley & Sons, 2013
85 2013 Statisztikai következtetések elmélete B Marianna, K András
Typotex Kft, 2005
61 2005 Penalized versions of the Newman-Girvan modularity and their relation to normalized cuts and -means clustering M Bolla
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 84 (1 …, 2011
56 2011 Extrema of sums of heterogeneous quadratic forms M Bolla, G Michaletzky, G Tusnády, M Ziermann
Linear Algebra and its Applications 269 (1-3), 331-365, 1998
56 1998 Spectra and optimal partitions of weighted graphs M Bolla, G Tusnády
Discrete Mathematics 128 (1-3), 1-20, 1994
34 1994 Recognizing linear structure in noisy matrices M Bolla
Linear Algebra and its Applications 402, 228-244, 2005
21 2005 Distribution of the eigenvalues of random block-matrices M Bolla
Linear Algebra and its Applications 377, 219-240, 2004
19 2004 Spectral properties of modularity matrices M Bolla, B Bullins, S Chaturapruek, S Chen, K Friedl
Linear Algebra and Its Applications 473, 359-376, 2015
16 2015 Singular value decomposition of large random matrices (for two-way classification of microarrays) M Bolla, K Friedl, A Krámli
Journal of multivariate analysis 101 (2), 434-446, 2010
15 2010 Relations between spectral and classification properties of multigraphs M Bolla
DIMACS, Center for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, 1991
15 1991 Regular decomposition of large graphs: Foundation of a sampling approach to stochastic block model fitting H Reittu, I Norros, T Räty, M Bolla, F Bazsó
Data Science and Engineering 4, 44-60, 2019
14 2019 Modularity spectra, eigen-subspaces, and structure of weighted graphs M Bolla
European Journal of Combinatorics 35, 105-116, 2014
13 2014 Relating multiway discrepancy and singular values of nonnegative rectangular matrices M Bolla
Discrete Applied Mathematics 203, 26-34, 2016
12 2016 Noisy random graphs and their Laplacians M Bolla
Discrete Mathematics 308 (18), 4221-4230, 2008
10 2008 Multidimensional Stationary Time Series: Dimension Reduction and Prediction M Bolla, T Szabados
Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2021
8 2021 Spectra and structure of weighted graphs M Bolla
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 38, 149-154, 2011
8 2011 Beyond the expanders M Bolla
International Journal of Combinatorics 2011 (1), 787596, 2011
8 2011 Optimization problems for weighted graphs and related correlation estimates M Bolla, G Molnár-Sáska
Discrete Mathematics 282 (1-3), 23-33, 2004
8 2004 Graphical models, regression graphs, and recursive linear regression in a unified way M Bolla, F Abdelkhalek, M Baranyi
Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum 85, 9-57, 2019
7 2019