Atsushi Shimada
Cited by
Cited by
A neural network approach for students' performance prediction
F Okubo, T Yamashita, A Shimada, H Ogata
Proceedings of the seventh international learning analytics & knowledge …, 2017
E-Book-based learning analytics in university education
H Ogata, C Yin, M Oi, F Okubo, A Shimada, K Kojima, M Yamada
International conference on computer in education (ICCE 2015), 401-406, 2015
Dynamic control of adaptive mixture-of-Gaussians background model
A Shimada, D Arita, R Taniguchi
2006 IEEE international conference on video and signal based surveillance, 5-5, 2006
Transcut: Transparent object segmentation from a light-field image
Y Xu, H Nagahara, A Shimada, R Taniguchi
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 3442-3450, 2015
Light field distortion feature for transparent object recognition
K Maeno, H Nagahara, A Shimada, R Taniguchi
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2013
TRPV4 channel activity is modulated by direct interaction of the ankyrin domain to PI(4,5)P2
N Takahashi, S Hamada-Nakahara, Y Itoh, K Takemura, A Shimada, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 4994, 2014
Putting learning back into learning analytics: Actions for policy makers, researchers, and practitioners
D Ifenthaler, D Gibson, D Prasse, A Shimada, M Yamada
Educational Technology Research and Development 69, 2131-2150, 2021
Learning analytics for e-book-based educational big data in higher education
H Ogata, M Oi, K Mohri, F Okubo, A Shimada, M Yamada, J Wang, ...
Smart sensors at the IoT frontier, 327-350, 2017
Learning analytics of the relationships among self-regulated learning, learning behaviors, and learning performance
M Yamada, A Shimada, F Okubo, M Oi, K Kojima, H Ogata
Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning 12, 1-17, 2017
Real-time learning analytics for C programming language courses
X Fu, A Shimada, H Ogata, Y Taniguchi, D Suehiro
Proceedings of the seventh international learning analytics & knowledge …, 2017
Evaluating indoor positioning systems in a shopping mall: The lessons learned from the IPIN 2018 competition
V Renaudin, M Ortiz, J Perul, J Torres-Sospedra, AR Jiménez, ...
IEEE Access 7, 148594-148628, 2019
An easy-to-setup 3D phenotyping platform for KOMATSUNA dataset
H Uchiyama, S Sakurai, M Mishima, D Arita, T Okayasu, A Shimada, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on computer vision …, 2017
Indoor positioning system based on chest-mounted IMU
C Lu, H Uchiyama, D Thomas, A Shimada, R Taniguchi
Sensors 19 (2), 420, 2019
Direction of collaborative problem solving-based STEM learning by learning analytics approach
L Chen, N Yoshimatsu, Y Goda, F Okubo, Y Taniguchi, M Oi, S Konomi, ...
Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning 14, 1-28, 2019
Evaluation report of integrated background modeling based on spatio-temporal features
Y Nonaka, A Shimada, H Nagahara, R Taniguchi
2012 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2012
Analytics of deep neural network-based background subtraction
T Minematsu, A Shimada, H Uchiyama, R Taniguchi
Journal of Imaging 4 (6), 78, 2018
Automatic summarization of lecture slides for enhanced student previewtechnical report and user study
A Shimada, F Okubo, C Yin, H Ogata
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies 11 (2), 165-178, 2017
Exploring the relationships between reading behavior patterns and learning outcomes based on log data from e-books: A human factor approach
C Yin, M Yamada, M Oi, A Shimada, F Okubo, K Kojima, H Ogata
International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction 35 (4-5), 313-322, 2019
Learning unified binary codes for cross-modal retrieval via latent semantic hashing
X Xu, L He, A Shimada, R Taniguchi, H Lu
Neurocomputing 213, 191-203, 2016
A fast algorithm for adaptive background model construction using parzen density estimation
T Tanaka, A Shimada, D Arita, R Taniguchi
2007 IEEE Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance, 528-533, 2007
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Articles 1–20