Tiago Pedro
Cited by
Cited by
VIARmodes: visualization and iiteraction in mmersive virtual reality for architectural design process
J Dias, L Coroado, T Costa, J d'Alpuim, S Eloy, L Dias
VIARmodes: Visualization and iiteraction in mmersive virtual reality for …, 2015
Physiological arousal quantifying perception of safe and unsafe virtual environments by older and younger adults
S Leite, MS Dias, S Eloy, J Freitas, S Marques, T Pedro, L Ourique
Sensors 19 (11), 2447, 2019
Space perception in virtual environments: On how biometric sensing in virtual environments may give architects users's feedback
MS Dias, S Eloy, M Carreiro, E Vilar, S Marques, A Moural, P Proênça, ...
Fusion-Proceedings of the 32nd eCAADe Conference, 2014
How space experimentation can inform design: immersive virtual reality as a design tool
A Moural, S Eloy, MS Dias, T Pedro
Sigradi2013, 2013
Spatial perception of landmarks assessed by objective tracking of people and Space Syntax techniques
L Ourique, S Eloy, R Resende, JM Dias, T Pedro, R Miguel, S Marques
11th International Space Syntax Symposium, 2086-2101, 2017
Towards higher sense of presence: a 3D virtual environment adaptable to confusion and engagement
TMS Pedro, JL Silva
IEEE Access 9, 8455-8470, 2021
Analysing people's movement in the built environment via space syntax, objective tracking and gaze data
S Eloy, F Ourique, R Resende, J Dias, J Freitas, T Pedro
Analysing people's movement in the built environment via space syntax …, 2015
Projeto SECCLASS–O desenvolvimento de um sistema de classificação da construção com componente de sustentabilidade adaptado ao BIM
A Mendez, D Cale, F Salvado, I Almeida, JM Miranda, JLD Granja, ...
UMinho Editora, 2022
Predicting the confusion level of text excerpts with syntactic, lexical and n-gram features
TS Pedro, JL Silva, R Pereira
Predicting the confusion level of text excerpts with syntactic, lexical and …, 2018
Mobile Apps for Acting on the Physical Space
S Eloy, PF Lopes, TM Pedro, L Ourique, LS Dias
Mobile Applications and Solutions for Social Inclusion, 48-82, 2018
Multimodal interaction with BIM data in immersive virtual reality
L Alves, S Eloy, J Dias, T Costa, F Gaspar
Multimodal interaction with BIM data in immersive virtual reality, 2015
Desenvolvimentos na automação da extração de quantidades: Projeto Metabuilding
F Lima, S Roux, T Pedro, RP Resende
4º Congresso Português de Building Information Modelling-ptBIM, 2022
Virtual environments promoting interaction
TMS Pedro
H Silva, T Pedro, V Pêgas, IM Alexandre, PF Lopes
10ª Conferência de Ciências e Artes dos Videojogos, VIDEOJOGOS 2017, 2017
Realidade virtual aplicada às obras subterrâneas
R Resende, M Espada, T Pedro
15CNG: 15º Congresso Nacional de Geotecnia e 8º Congresso Luso-Brasileiro de …, 2016
Designing better spaces for people
MS Dias, S Eloy, M Carreiro, P Proença, A Moural, T Pedro, J Freitas, ...
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Articles 1–16