Ruolian Fang
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Cited by
The organizational socialization process: Review and development of a social capital model
R Fang, MK Duffy, JD Shaw
Journal of management 37 (1), 127-152, 2011
Employee-organization exchange relationships, HRM practices, and quit rates of good and poor performers
JD Shaw, BR Dineen, R Fang, RF Vellella
Academy of Management Journal 52 (5), 1016-1033, 2009
Integrating personality and social networks: A meta-analysis of personality, network position, and work outcomes in organizations
R Fang, B Landis, Z Zhang, MH Anderson, JD Shaw, M Kilduff
Organization science 26 (4), 1243-1260, 2015
Bringing political skill into social networks: Findings from a field study of entrepreneurs
R Fang, L Chi, M Chen, RA Baron
Journal of Management Studies 52 (2), 175-212, 2015
Down but not out: Newcomers can compensate for low vertical access with strong horizontal ties and favorable core self‐evaluations
R Fang, DJ McAllister, MK Duffy
Personnel Psychology 70 (3), 517-555, 2017
Self‐monitoring, status, and justice‐related information flow
R Fang, JD Shaw
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 82 (2), 405-430, 2009
Effects of customer feedback level and (in) consistency on new product acceptance in the click-and-mortar context
E Yao, R Fang, BR Dineen, X Yao
Journal of Business Research 62 (12), 1281-1288, 2009
Gender and social network brokerage: A meta-analysis and field investigation.
R Fang, Z Zhang, JD Shaw
Journal of Applied Psychology 106 (11), 1630, 2021
The impact of pay-for-performance perception and pay level satisfaction on employee work attitudes and extra-role behaviors: An investigation of moderating effects
T Ren, R Fang, Z Yang
Journal of Chinese Human Resource Management 8 (2), 94-113, 2017
Workplaces as communities: The role of social networks in who seeks, gives, and accepts information on justice issues
HB Chia, MD Foo, R Fang
Journal of Community Psychology 34 (3), 363-377, 2006
Peer influence on undermining behaviors in the workplace: A social network perspective
R Fang
University of Minnesota, 2010
Collectivism, machiavellianism, perceived organizational justice and organizational citizenship behavior: An empirical study of chinese employees
R Fang, VKG Lim
Your Connections Made Me Undermine You: Provocative Effect of Coworker Friendship Contact Status
R Fang, D McAllister, MK Duffy
Academy of Management Proceedings 2017 (1), 12678, 2017
When Do Coworkers Undermine? The Variable Costs of Having Friends in High Places
R Fang, MK Duffy, DJ McAllister
Academy of Management Proceedings 2015 (1), 14142, 2015
Social influence process in organizational justice perceptions: the role of social ties
HB Chia, R Fang
How and When Envious Newcomers Form Their Developmental Networks in New Organizations
R Fang, Z Zhang, D McAllister
Academy of Management Proceedings 2022 (1), 13789, 2022
Acquisition of Central Network Position: Roles of Interpersonal Helping and Social Undermining
R Fang, MK Duffy, JD Shaw
Academy of Management Proceedings 2012 (1), 16109, 2012
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Articles 1–17