Vo Nguyen Quoc Bao
Vo Nguyen Quoc Bao
Van Lang University
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Survey on aerial radio access networks: Toward a comprehensive 6G access infrastructure
NN Dao, QV Pham, NH Tu, TT Thanh, VNQ Bao, DS Lakew, S Cho
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 23 (2), 1193-1225, 2021
On the performance of selection decode-and-forward relay networks over Nakagami-m fading channels
TQ Duong, VNQ Bao, H Zepernick
IEEE Communications Letters 13 (3), 172-174, 2009
Cognitive Amplify-and-Forward Relay Networks over Nakagami-m Fading
TQ Duong, DB da Costa, M Elkashlan, VNQ Bao
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2012
Relay Selection Schemes for Dual-Hop Networks under Security Constraints with Multiple Eavesdroppers
VNQ Bao, N Linh–Trung, M Debbah
IEEE Transaction on Wireless Communications, 2013
Cognitive Amplify-and-Forward Relaying with Best Relay Selection in Non-Identical Rayleigh Fading
VNQ Bao, T Duong, D da Costa, G Alexandropoulos, A Nallanathan
IEEE Communication Letters, 1-4, 2013
Cognitive relay networks with multiple primary transceivers under spectrum-sharing
TQ Duong, PL Yeoh, VNQ Bao, M Elkashlan, N Yang
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 19 (11), 741-744, 2012
Exact outage probability of cognitive AF relaying with underlay spectrum sharing
TQ Duong, VNQ Bao, HJ Zepernick
Electronics letters 47 (17), 1001-1002, 2011
Proactive Relay Selection with Joint Impact of Hardware Impairment and Co-channel Interference
TT Duy, TQ Duong, DB da Costa, VNQ Bao, M Elkashlan
IEEE Transaction on Communications, 2015
On the Performance of Cognitive Underlay Multihop Networks with Imperfect Channel State Information
VNQ Bao, TQ Duong, C Tellambura
IEEE Transaction on Communications, 2013
Secrecy Performance Analysis with Relay Selection Methods under Impact of Co-channel Interference
TT Duy, TQ Duong, TL Thanh, VNQ Bao
Cooperative spectrum sharing networks with AF relay and selection diversity
TQ Duong, VNQ Bao, GC Alexandropoulos, HJ Zepernick
Electronics letters 47 (20), 1149-1151, 2011
Exploiting direct links in multiuser multirelay SWIPT cooperative networks with opportunistic scheduling
NT Do, DB da Costa, TQ Duong, VNQ Bao, B An
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 16 (8), 5410-5427, 2017
Performance analysis of selection decode-and-forward relay networks
TQ Duong, VNQ Bao
Electronics Letters 44 (20), 1206-1207, 2008
Effect of primary network on performance of spectrum sharing AF relaying
TQ Duong, VNQ Bao, H Tran, GC Alexandropoulos, HJ Zepernick
Electronics letters 48 (1), 25-27, 2012
Vietnam spectrum occupancy measurements and analysis for cognitive radio applications
VNQ Bao, QC Le, QP Le, DT Tran, TQ Nguyen, MT Lam
Advanced Technologies for Communications (ATC), 2011 International …, 2011
On the performance of multihop cognitive wireless powered D2D communications in WSNs
T Van Nguyen, TN Do, VNQ Bao, DB da Costa, B An
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 69 (3), 2684-2699, 2020
A contemporary survey on live video streaming from a computation-driven perspective
NN Dao, AT Tran, NH Tu, TT Thanh, VNQ Bao, S Cho
ACM Computing Surveys 54 (10s), 1-38, 2022
Spectrum sharing-based multi-hop decode-and-forward relay networks under interference constraints: Performance analysis and relay position optimization
VNQ Bao, TT Thanh, TD Nguyen, TD Vu
Journal of Communications and Networks 15 (3), 266-275, 2013
Outage performance analysis of relay selection schemes in wireless energy harvesting cooperative networks over non-identical rayleigh fading channels
NT Do, VNQ Bao, B An
Sensors 16 (3), 295, 2016
Full-duplex distributed switch-and-stay energy harvesting selection relaying networks with imperfect CSI: Design and outage analysis
QN Le, VNQ Bao, B An
Journal of Communications and Networks 20 (1), 29-46, 2018
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Articles 1–20