Sean Spinney
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Cited by
Towards scaling difference target propagation by learning backprop targets
MM Ernoult, F Normandin, A Moudgil, S Spinney, E Belilovsky, I Rish, ...
International Conference on Machine Learning, 5968-5987, 2022
Cross-lagged relationships between depressive symptoms and altered default mode network connectivity over the course of adolescence
MH Afzali, A Dagher, J Bourque, S Spinney, P Conrod
Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging 7 (8), 774-781, 2022
Endocannabinoid gene× gene interaction association to alcohol use disorder in two adolescent cohorts
L Elkrief, S Spinney, DE Vosberg, T Banaschewski, ALW Bokde, ...
Frontiers in Psychiatry 12, 645746, 2021
Adolescent resting-state brain networks and unique variability of conduct problems within the externalizing dimension
MH Afzali, A Dagher, H Edalati, J Bourque, S Spinney, RJ Sharkey, ...
Journal of personality disorders 34 (5), 609-627, 2020
Sleep as a mediator between cannabis use and psychosis vulnerability: a longitudinal cohort study
J Ouellet, S Spinney, R Assaf, E Boers, A Livet, S Potvin, P Conrod
Schizophrenia Bulletin Open 4 (1), sgac072, 2023
A longitudinal mediation study of peer victimization and resting-state functional connectivity as predictors of development of adolescent psychopathology
H Edalati, MH Afzali, S Spinney, J Bourque, A Dagher, PJ Conrod
Frontiers in psychiatry 14, 1099772, 2023
1.28 Early Cannabis Use Initiation at 12–14 Years Old Associated With Thinner Frontal and Temporal Cortical Thickness
F Laroque, J Bourque, S Spinney, R Sharkey, T Baker, A Dagher, ...
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 56 (10), S161, 2017
Neurobiologically-inspired models: exploring behaviour prediction, learning algorithms, and reinforcement learning
S Spinney
Computational Modelling of Developmental Adolescent Decision Making
S Spinney, H Edalati, P Conrod
Biological Psychiatry 87 (9), S376, 2020
The Association Between Endocannabinoid Genes and Alcohol Abuse in Teens
L Elkrief, S Spinney, G Huguet, P Conrod
64th Annual Meeting, 2017
Adaptive Memory Module for Sequential Planning and Reasoning
K Gupta, S Spinney, X Zhao, J Rajendran, P Conrod, I Rish, S Chandar
Identifying Invariant and Sparse Predictors in High-dimensional Data
A Mansouri, S Spinney, A Memarian, P Conrod, I Rish
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Articles 1–12