Shiguang Wang (王世光)
Cited by
Cited by
A delay-efficient algorithm for data aggregation in multihop wireless sensor networks
XH Xu, XY Li, XF Mao, S Tang, SG Wang
IEEE transactions on parallel and distributed systems 22 (1), 163-175, 2010
TODA: Truthful online double auction for spectrum allocation in wireless networks
SG Wang, P Xu, XH Xu, SJ Tang, XY Li, X Liu
2010 IEEE Symposium on New Frontiers in Dynamic Spectrum (DySPAN), 1-10, 2010
Efficient data aggregation in multi-hop wireless sensor networks under physical interference model
XY Li, XH Xu, SG Wang, SJ Tang, GJ Dai, JZ Zhao, Y Qi
2009 IEEE 6th International Conference on Mobile Adhoc and Sensor Systems …, 2009
Towards cyber-physical systems in social spaces: The data reliability challenge
S Wang, D Wang, L Su, L Kaplan, TF Abdelzaher
2014 IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, 74-85, 2014
Woha: Deadline-aware map-reduce workflow scheduling framework over hadoop clusters
S Li, S Hu, S Wang, L Su, T Abdelzaher, I Gupta, R Pace
2014 IEEE 34th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, 93-103, 2014
Scalable social sensing of interdependent phenomena
S Wang, L Su, S Li, S Hu, T Amin, H Wang, S Yao, L Kaplan, ...
Proceedings of the 14th international conference on information processing …, 2015
Generalized decision aggregation in distributed sensing systems
L Su, Q Li, S Hu, S Wang, J Gao, H Liu, TF Abdelzaher, J Han, X Liu, ...
2014 IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, 1-10, 2014
An improved approximation algorithm for data aggregation in multi-hop wireless sensor networks
XH Xu, SG Wang, XF Mao, SJ Tang, XY Li
Proceedings of the 2nd ACM international workshop on Foundations of wireless …, 2009
SALSA: Strategyproof online spectrum admissions for wireless networks
P Xu, SG Wang, XY Li
IEEE Transactions on Computers 59 (12), 1691-1702, 2010
On “movement-assisted connectivity restoration in wireless sensor and actor networks”
SG Wang, XF Mao, SJ Tang, XY Li, JZ Zhao, GJ Dai
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 22 (4), 687-694, 2010
Recursive ground truth estimator for social data streams
S Yao, MT Amin, L Su, S Hu, S Li, S Wang, Y Zhao, T Abdelzaher, ...
2016 15th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in …, 2016
Experiences with eNav: A low-power vehicular navigation system
S Hu, L Su, S Li, S Wang, C Pan, S Gu, MT Al Amin, H Liu, S Nath, ...
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and …, 2015
Efficient data aggregation in multi-hop wsns
XH Xu, SG Wang, XF Mao, SJ Tang, P Xu, XY Li
GLOBECOM 2009-2009 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, 1-6, 2009
Efficient 3g budget utilization in mobile participatory sensing applications
H Liu, S Hu, W Zheng, Z Xie, S Wang, P Hui, T Abdelzaher
2013 proceedings ieee infocom, 1411-1419, 2013
Data extrapolation in social sensing for disaster response
S Gu, C Pan, H Liu, S Li, S Hu, L Su, S Wang, D Wang, T Amin, ...
2014 IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor …, 2014
Social fusion: Integrating twitter and instagram for event monitoring
P Giridhar, S Wang, T Abdelzaher, T Al Amin, L Kaplan
2017 IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC), 1-10, 2017
On localizing urban events with instagram
P Giridhar, S Wang, T Abdelzaher, R Ganti, L Kaplan, J George
IEEE INFOCOM 2017-IEEE Conference on Computer Communications, 1-9, 2017
Social trove: A self-summarizing storage service for social sensing
MT Al Amin, S Li, MR Rahman, PT Seetharamu, S Wang, T Abdelzaher, ...
2015 IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing, 41-50, 2015
Temperature aware power allocation: An optimization framework and case studies
S Li, S Wang, T Abdelzaher, M Kihl, A Robertsson
Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems 2 (3), 117-127, 2012
Towards quality aware information integration in distributed sensing systems
W Jiang, C Miao, L Su, Q Li, S Hu, S Wang, J Gao, H Liu, TF Abdelzaher, ...
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 29 (1), 198-211, 2017
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Articles 1–20