Anita L. Campbell
Anita L. Campbell
Centre for Research in Engineering Education, and Academic Support Programme for Engineering, UCT
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Cited by
A framework for using learning theories to inform ‘growth mindset’ activities
AL Campbell, TS Craig, BI Collier-Reed
International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 51 …, 2020
Developing growth mindsets in engineering students: a systematic literature review of interventions
AL Campbell, I Direito, M Mokhithi
European Journal of Engineering Education 46 (4), 503-527, 2021
Design-based research principles for successful peer tutoring on social media
AL Campbell
International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 50 …, 2019
Supporting a mathematics community of inquiry through online discussion forums: towards design principles
P Padayachee, AL Campbell
International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 53 …, 2022
The articulation between the mainstream and extended degree programmes in engineering at the University of Cape Town: Reflections and possibilities
H Pearce, A Campbell, TS Craig, P Le Roux, K Nathoo, E Vicatos
South African Journal of Higher Education 29 (1), 151-164, 2015
Remediation of first-year mathematics students' algebra difficulties
AL Campbell
University of KwaZulu-Natal, 2009
Exploring boot camps for 'gatekeeper' service courses in mathematics
AL Campbell
Pythagoras 36 (2), 1-9, 2015
Enabling 'growth mindsets' in engineering students
A Campbell
University of Cape Town, 2020
Reflecting on a community of practice for engineering education research capacity in Africa: who are we and where are we going?
E Matemba, L Smith, K Wolff, H Inglis, D Mogashana, L Jansen, ...
Australasian Journal of Engineering Education 28 (1), 74-84, 2023
How do students' beliefs about mathematics ability change in their first year at university?
AL Campbell
Critical Studies in Teaching and Learning 7 (1), 61-75, 2019
The case studies: Emerging technologies
D Ng’ambi, V Bozalek, D Gachago, J Morkel, E Ivala, A Campbell, ...
Activity theory, authentic learning and emerging technologies, 211-233, 2014
The development of engineering students' algebra skills: Findings from an algebra skills test refined by Rasch analysis
TS Craig, AL Campbell
Proceedings of the 19th Annual Congress of the Association for Mathematics …, 2013
The unexpected consequences of replacing corridor chats with an online community of practice
AL Campbell, TS Craig, B Mofolo-Mbokane, P Padayachee
Takeaways from Teaching through a Pandemic, 177-183, 2024
Vector calculus for engineers - The academic development model
TS Craig, AL Campbell
Community for Undergraduate Learning in the Mathematical Sciences (CULMS …, 2013
Enhancing students' learning through practical knowledge taught by industry professionals
K Rajaratnam, A Campbell
International Business & Economic Research Journal 12 (6), 717-724, 2013
Influence of mobile learning discourse on human agency: A critical discourse analysis perspective
D Ng'ambi, A Campbell
International Conference on e-Learning, 346, 2012
Exploring mathematical mindset in question design: Boaler's taxonomy applied to university mathematics
AL Campbell, M Mokhithi, JP Shock
REES AAEE 2021 conference: Engineering Education Research Capability …, 2021
Assessing the effectiveness of academic coaching interventions for student success in higher education: A systematic review
AL Campbell, D Mogashana
Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 1-23, 2024
Instilling problem-solving competence in undergraduate engineering students
A Rohrs, P Padayachee, AL Campbell
REES AAEE 2021 conference: Engineering Education Research Capability …, 2021
Profile, Performance and Language in Engineering Mathematics
P Padayachee, P Mudavanhu, A Campbell
Education as Change 25 (1), 1-21, 2021
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Articles 1–20