Laura Thi Germine
Laura Thi Germine
McLean Hospital and Harvard Medical School
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When does cognitive functioning peak? The asynchronous rise and fall of different cognitive abilities across the life span
JK Hartshorne, LT Germine
Psychological science 26 (4), 433-443, 2015
Is the Web as good as the lab? Comparable performance from Web and lab in cognitive/perceptual experiments
L Germine, K Nakayama, BC Duchaine, CF Chabris, G Chatterjee, ...
Psychonomic bulletin & review 19, 847-857, 2012
Number sense across the lifespan as revealed by a massive Internet-based sample
J Halberda, R Ly, JB Wilmer, DQ Naiman, L Germine
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (28), 11116-11120, 2012
Human face recognition ability is specific and highly heritable
JB Wilmer, L Germine, CF Chabris, G Chatterjee, M Williams, E Loken, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of sciences 107 (11), 5238-5241, 2010
Family resemblance: Ten family members with prosopagnosia and within-class object agnosia
B Duchaine, L Germine, K Nakayama
Cognitive neuropsychology 24 (4), 419-430, 2007
Where cognitive development and aging meet: Face learning ability peaks after age 30
LT Germine, B Duchaine, K Nakayama
Cognition 118 (2), 201-210, 2011
Dispelling the myth: Training in education or neuroscience decreases but does not eliminate beliefs in neuromyths
K Macdonald, L Germine, A Anderson, J Christodoulou, LM McGrath
Frontiers in psychology 8, 1314, 2017
Mentalizing about emotion and its relationship to empathy
CI Hooker, SC Verosky, LT Germine, RT Knight, M D’Esposito
Social cognitive and affective neuroscience 3 (3), 204-217, 2008
Sustained attention across the life span in a sample of 10,000: Dissociating ability and strategy
FC Fortenbaugh, J DeGutis, L Germine, JB Wilmer, M Grosso, K Russo, ...
Psychological science 26 (9), 1497-1510, 2015
Estimating treatment coverage for people with substance use disorders: an analysis of data from the World Mental Health Surveys
L Degenhardt, M Glantz, S Evans‐Lacko, E Sadikova, N Sampson, ...
World psychiatry 16 (3), 299-307, 2017
Neural activity during social signal perception correlates with self-reported empathy
CI Hooker, SC Verosky, LT Germine, RT Knight, M D'Esposito
Brain research 1308, 100-113, 2010
Capturing specific abilities as a window into human individuality: The example of face recognition
JB Wilmer, L Germine, CF Chabris, G Chatterjee, M Gerbasi, K Nakayama
Cognitive neuropsychology 29 (5-6), 360-392, 2012
Risk factors for loneliness: The high relative importance of age versus other factors
B Shovestul, J Han, L Germine, D Dodell-Feder
PloS one 15 (2), e0229087, 2020
Digital neuropsychology: Challenges and opportunities at the intersection of science and software
L Germine, K Reinecke, NS Chaytor
The Clinical Neuropsychologist 33 (2), 271-286, 2019
The AURORA Study: a longitudinal, multimodal library of brain biology and function after traumatic stress exposure
SA McLean, K Ressler, KC Koenen, T Neylan, L Germine, T Jovanovic, ...
Molecular psychiatry 25 (2), 283-296, 2020
Individual aesthetic preferences for faces are shaped mostly by environments, not genes
L Germine, R Russell, PM Bronstad, GAM Blokland, JW Smoller, H Kwok, ...
Current Biology 25 (20), 2684-2689, 2015
Childhood adversity is associated with adult theory of mind and social affiliation, but not face processing
L Germine, EC Dunn, KA McLaughlin, JW Smoller
PloS one 10 (6), e0129612, 2015
Amygdala response to facial expressions reflects emotional learning
CI Hooker, LT Germine, RT Knight, M D’Esposito
Journal of Neuroscience 26 (35), 8915-8922, 2006
Social anhedonia is associated with neural abnormalities during face emotion processing
LT Germine, L Garrido, L Bruce, C Hooker
Neuroimage 58 (3), 935-945, 2011
Psychosis-proneness and the rubber hand illusion of body ownership
L Germine, TL Benson, F Cohen, CIL Hooker
Psychiatry research 207 (1-2), 45-52, 2013
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Articles 1–20