Group emotion recognition with individual facial emotion CNNs and global image based CNNs L Tan, K Zhang, K Wang, X Zeng, X Peng, Y Qiao Proceedings of the 19th ACM international conference on multimodal …, 2017 | 97 | 2017 |
Gender and smile classification using deep convolutional neural networks K Zhang, L Tan, Z Li, Y Qiao Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2016 | 94 | 2016 |
Collecting indicators of compromise from unstructured text of cybersecurity articles using neural-based sequence labelling Z Long, L Tan, S Zhou, C He, X Liu 2019 international joint conference on neural networks (IJCNN), 1-8, 2019 | 47 | 2019 |
Automatic identification of indicators of compromise using neural-based sequence labelling S Zhou, Z Long, L Tan, H Guo arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.10156, 2018 | 47 | 2018 |
Condensed convolution neural network by attention over self-attention for stance detection in twitter S Zhou, J Lin, L Tan, X Liu 2019 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1-8, 2019 | 14 | 2019 |
Deep face attributes recognition using spatial transformer network L Tan, Z Li, Q Yu 2016 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation (ICIA …, 2016 | 8 | 2016 |
Attention based Term Weighting for App Retrieval LTJLS Zhou, 2018 | | 2018 |