Woongsoo Na
Cited by
Cited by
Routing in flying ad hoc networks: A comprehensive survey
DS Lakew, U Sa’ad, NN Dao, W Na, S Cho
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 22 (2), 1071-1120, 2020
Energy-efficient mobile charging for wireless power transfer in Internet of Things networks
W Na, J Park, C Lee, K Park, J Kim, S Cho
IEEE Internet of Things journal 5 (1), 79-92, 2017
Internet of Things for smart manufacturing system: Trust issues in resource allocation
S Jeong, W Na, J Kim, S Cho
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 5 (6), 4418-4427, 2018
Frequency resource allocation and interference management in mobile edge computing for an Internet of Things system
W Na, S Jang, Y Lee, L Park, NN Dao, S Cho
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 6 (3), 4910-4920, 2018
SGCO: Stabilized green crosshaul orchestration for dense IoT offloading services
NN Dao, DN Vu, W Na, J Kim, S Cho
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 36 (11), 2538-2548, 2018
DL-TCP: Deep learning-based transmission control protocol for disaster 5G mmWave networks
W Na, B Bae, S Cho, N Kim
IEEE Access 7, 145134-145144, 2019
Centralized cooperative directional spectrum sensing for cognitive radio networks
W Na, J Yoon, S Cho, D Griffith, N Golmie
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 17 (6), 1260-1274, 2017
Deafness-aware MAC protocol for directional antennas in wireless ad hoc networks
W Na, L Park, S Cho
Ad Hoc Networks 24, 121-134, 2015
Energy-efficient directional charging strategy for wireless rechargeable sensor networks
D Lee, C Lee, G Jang, W Na, S Cho
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 9 (19), 19034-19048, 2022
Directional link scheduling for real-time data processing in smart manufacturing system
W Na, Y Lee, NN Dao, DN Vu, A Masood, S Cho
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 5 (5), 3661-3671, 2018
Mitigating WiFi interference to improve throughput for in-vehicle infotainment networks
W Na, NN Dao, S Cho
IEEE Wireless Communications 23 (1), 22-28, 2016
Joint energy and latency optimization for upstream IoT offloading services in fog radio access networks
DN Vu, NN Dao, Y Jang, W Na, YB Kwon, H Kang, JJ Jung, S Cho
Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies 30 (4), e3497, 2019
Aerial energy orchestration for heterogeneous UAV-assisted wireless communications
DS Lakew, W Na, NN Dao, S Cho
IEEE Systems Journal 16 (2), 2483-2494, 2021
Energy-efficient spectrum sensing for IoT devices
NN Dao, W Na, AT Tran, DN Nguyen, S Cho
IEEE Systems Journal 15 (1), 1077-1085, 2020
A review on new technologies in 3GPP standards for 5G access and beyond
NN Dao, NH Tu, TD Hoang, TH Nguyen, LV Nguyen, K Lee, L Park, W Na, ...
Computer Networks, 110370, 2024
Dynamic resource orchestration for service capability maximization in fog-enabled connected vehicle networks
DN Vu, NN Dao, W Na, S Cho
IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing 10 (3), 1726-1737, 2020
Simulation and measurement: Feasibility study of Tactile Internet applications for mmWave virtual reality
W Na, NN Dao, J Kim, ES Ryu, S Cho
ETRI Journal 42 (2), 163-174, 2020
Dual-channel-based mobile ad hoc network routing technique for indoor disaster environment
N Kim, W Na, S Cho
IEEE Access 8, 126713-126724, 2020
Deep reinforcement learning-based partial task offloading in high altitude platform-aided vehicular networks
TH Nguyen, TP Truong, NN Dao, W Na, H Park, L Park
2022 13th International Conference on Information and Communication …, 2022
Energy-efficient and delay-minimizing charging method with a multiple directional mobile charger
C Lee, W Na, G Jang, C Lee, S Cho
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 8 (10), 8291-8303, 2020
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Articles 1–20