Tania Cerquitelli
Tania Cerquitelli
Full Professor, Dept. of Control and Computer Engineering,Politecnico di Torino
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Cited by
Fault detection analysis of building energy consumption using data mining techniques
I Khan, A Capozzoli, SP Corgnati, T Cerquitelli
Energy Procedia 42, 557-566, 2013
Real-time analysis of physiological data to support medical applications
D Apiletti, E Baralis, G Bruno, T Cerquitelli
IEEE transactions on information technology in biomedicine 13 (3), 313-321, 2009
Generalized association rule mining with constraints
E Baralis, L Cagliero, T Cerquitelli, P Garza
Information Sciences 194, 68-84, 2012
Frequent itemsets mining for big data: a comparative analysis
D Apiletti, E Baralis, T Cerquitelli, P Garza, F Pulvirenti, L Venturini
Big data research 9, 67-83, 2017
Analysis of diabetic patients through their examination history
D Antonelli, E Baralis, G Bruno, T Cerquitelli, S Chiusano, N Mahoto
Expert Systems with Applications 40 (11), 4672-4678, 2013
Machine learning empowered computer networks
T Cerquitelli, M Meo, M Curado, L Skorin-Kapov, EE Tsiropoulou
Computer networks 230, 109807, 2023
Characterizing network traffic by means of the NetMine framework
D Apiletti, E Baralis, T Cerquitelli, V D’Elia
Computer Networks 53 (6), 774-789, 2009
Manufacturing as a data-driven practice: methodologies, technologies, and tools
T Cerquitelli, DJ Pagliari, A Calimera, L Bottaccioli, E Patti, A Acquaviva, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE 109 (4), 399-422, 2021
Support driven opportunistic aggregation for generalized itemset extraction
E Baralis, L Cagliero, T Cerquitelli, V D'Elia, P Garza
2010 5th IEEE International Conference Intelligent Systems, 102-107, 2010
A cloud-to-edge approach to support predictive analytics in robotics industry
S Panicucci, N Nikolakis, T Cerquitelli, F Ventura, S Proto, E Macii, ...
Electronics 9 (3), 492, 2020
Robot fault detection and remaining life estimation for predictive maintenance
R Pinto, T Cerquitelli
Procedia Computer Science 151, 709-716, 2019
CAS-Mine: providing personalized services in context-aware applications by means of generalized rules
E Baralis, L Cagliero, T Cerquitelli, P Garza, M Marchetti
Knowledge and information systems 28, 283-310, 2011
Energy signature analysis: Knowledge at your fingertips
A Acquaviva, D Apiletti, A Attanasio, E Baralis, L Bottaccioli, ...
2015 IEEE International Congress on Big Data, 543-550, 2015
istep, an integrated self-tuning engine for predictive maintenance in industry 4.0
D Apiletti, C Barberis, T Cerquitelli, A Macii, E Macii, M Poncino, F Ventura
2018 IEEE Intl Conf on Parallel & Distributed Processing with Applications …, 2018
Monitoring the citizens' perception on urban security in Smart City environments
L Cagliero, T Cerquitelli, S Chiusano, P Garino, M Nardone, B Pralio, ...
2015 31st IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering Workshops, 112-116, 2015
Analysis of twitter data using a multiple-level clustering strategy
E Baralis, T Cerquitelli, S Chiusano, L Grimaudo, X Xiao
Model and Data Engineering: Third International Conference, MEDI 2013 …, 2013
Towards an automated, fast and interpretable estimation model of heating energy demand: A data-driven approach exploiting building energy certificates
A Attanasio, M Savino Piscitelli, S Chiusano, A Capozzoli, T Cerquitelli
Energies 12 (7), 1273, 2019
Analyzing air pollution on the urban environment
E Baralis, T Cerquitelli, S Chiusano, P Garza, MR Kavoosifar
2016 39th International Convention on Information and Communication …, 2016
Data-driven strategies for predictive maintenance: Lesson learned from an automotive use case
D Giordano, F Giobergia, E Pastor, A La Macchia, T Cerquitelli, E Baralis, ...
Computers in Industry 134, 103554, 2022
REDTag: a predictive maintenance framework for parcel delivery services
S Proto, E Di Corso, D Apiletti, L Cagliero, T Cerquitelli, G Malnati, ...
IEEE Access 8, 14953-14964, 2020
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Articles 1–20