Klaus Ziegler
Klaus Ziegler
Professor of Theoretical Physics, Universitaet Augsburg
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Properties of graphene: a theoretical perspective
DSL Abergel, V Apalkov, J Berashevich, K Ziegler, T Chakraborty
Advances in Physics 59 (4), 261-482, 2010
New electromagnetic mode in graphene
SA Mikhailov, K Ziegler
Physical review letters 99 (1), 016803, 2007
Nonlinear electromagnetic response of graphene: frequency multiplication and the self-consistent-field effects
SA Mikhailov, K Ziegler
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 20 (38), 384204, 2008
Tunable band gap in hydrogenated quasi-free-standing graphene
D Haberer, DV Vyalikh, S Taioli, B Dora, M Farjam, J Fink, D Marchenko, ...
Nano letters 10 (9), 3360-3366, 2010
Minimal conductivity of graphene: Nonuniversal values from the Kubo formula
K Ziegler
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 75 (23), 233407, 2007
Robust transport properties in graphene
K Ziegler
Physical review letters 97 (26), 266802, 2006
Delocalization of 2D dirac fermions: The role of a broken supersymmetry
K Ziegler
Physical review letters 80 (14), 3113, 1998
Dielectric function and plasmons in graphene
A Hill, SA Mikhailov, K Ziegler
Europhysics Letters 87 (2), 27005, 2009
Details of Disorder Matter in 2D -Wave Superconductors
WA Atkinson, PJ Hirschfeld, AH MacDonald, K Ziegler
Physical Review Letters 85 (18), 3926, 2000
Surface acoustic wave propagation in graphene
P Thalmeier, B Dóra, K Ziegler
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (4), 041409, 2010
Superfluidity of dipole excitons in the presence of band gaps in two-layer graphene
OL Berman, RY Kezerashvili, K Ziegler
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (3), 035418, 2012
Nonzero Fermi Level Density of States for a Disordered -Wave Superconductor in Two Dimensions
K Ziegler, MH Hettler, PJ Hirschfeld
Physical review letters 77 (14), 3013, 1996
Dirac spectrum in piecewise constant one-dimensional (1D) potentials
DP Arovas, L Brey, HA Fertig, EA Kim, K Ziegler
New Journal of Physics 12 (12), 123020, 2010
Coupling of two Dirac particles
OL Berman, RY Kezerashvili, K Ziegler
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 87 (4), 042513, 2013
Scaling behavior and universality near the quantum Hall transition
K Ziegler
Physical Review B 55 (16), 10661, 1997
Quenched thermodynamics of the random bond Ising model on the square lattice
K Ziegler
Nuclear Physics B 344 (3), 499-530, 1990
Random-gap model for graphene and graphene bilayers
K Ziegler
Physical review letters 102 (12), 126802, 2009
Light-scattering properties of random-oriented aggregates: Do they represent the properties of an ensemble of aggregates?
L Kolokolova, H Kimura, K Ziegler, I Mann
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 100 (1-3), 199-206, 2006
Quantum phases in mixtures of Fermionic atoms
C Ates, K Ziegler
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 71 (6), 063610, 2005
Diffusion in the random gap model of monolayer and bilayer graphene
K Ziegler
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (19), 195424, 2009
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Articles 1–20