Chun-Mei Zhang
Chun-Mei Zhang
University of Science and Technology of China
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Cited by
Field and long-term demonstration of a wide area quantum key distribution network
S Wang, W Chen, ZQ Yin, HW Li, DY He, YH Li, Z Zhou, XT Song, FY Li, ...
Optics express 22 (18), 21739-21756, 2014
Phase-reference-free experiment of measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution
C Wang, XT Song, ZQ Yin, S Wang, W Chen, CM Zhang, GC Guo, ZF Han
Physical review letters 115 (16), 160502, 2015
Performance of various correlation measures in quantum phase transitions using the quantum renormalization-group method
Y Yao, HW Li, CM Zhang, ZQ Yin, W Chen, GC Guo, ZF Han
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 86 (4), 042102, 2012
Measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution with uncharacterized qubit sources
ZQ Yin, CHF Fung, X Ma, CM Zhang, HW Li, W Chen, S Wang, GC Guo, ...
Physical Review A 88 (6), 062322, 2013
Mismatched-basis statistics enable quantum key distribution with uncharacterized qubit sources
ZQ Yin, CHF Fung, X Ma, CM Zhang, HW Li, W Chen, S Wang, GC Guo, ...
Physical Review A 90 (5), 052319, 2014
Delayed error verification in quantum key distribution
CM Zhang, XT Song, P Treeviriyanupab, M Li, C Wang, HW Li, ZQ Yin, ...
Chinese science bulletin 59, 2825-2828, 2014
Asymmetric sending or not sending twin-field quantum key distribution in practice
XY Zhou, CH Zhang, CM Zhang, Q Wang
Physical Review A 99 (6), 062316, 2019
Practical decoy-state reference-frame-independent measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution
CM Zhang, JR Zhu, Q Wang
Physical Review A 95 (3), 032309, 2017
Practical quantum digital signature with a gigahertz BB84 quantum key distribution system
XB An, H Zhang, CM Zhang, W Chen, S Wang, ZQ Yin, Q Wang, DY He, ...
Optics letters 44 (1), 139-142, 2018
Counterfactual quantum cryptography based on weak coherent states
ZQ Yin, HW Li, Y Yao, CM Zhang, S Wang, W Chen, GC Guo, ZF Han
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 86 (2), 022313, 2012
Practical phase-modulation stabilization in quantum key distribution via machine learning
JY Liu, HJ Ding, CM Zhang, SP Xie, Q Wang
Physical Review Applied 12 (1), 014059, 2019
Proof-of-principle demonstration of passive decoy-state quantum digital signatures over 200 km
CH Zhang, XY Zhou, HJ Ding, CM Zhang, GC Guo, Q Wang
Physical Review Applied 10 (3), 034033, 2018
Optimized protocol for twin-field quantum key distribution
R Wang, ZQ Yin, FY Lu, S Wang, W Chen, CM Zhang, W Huang, BJ Xu, ...
Communications Physics 3 (1), 149, 2020
Predicting optimal parameters with random forest for quantum key distribution
HJ Ding, JY Liu, CM Zhang, Q Wang
Quantum Information Processing 19, 1-8, 2020
Fast implementation of length-adaptive privacy amplification in quantum key distribution
CM Zhang, M Li, JZ Huang, HW Li, FY Li, C Wang, ZQ Yin, W Chen, ...
Chinese Physics B 23 (9), 090310, 2014
Obtaining better performance in the measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution with heralded single-photon sources
XY Zhou, CH Zhang, CM Zhang, Q Wang
Physical Review A 96 (5), 052337, 2017
Decoy-state measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution with mismatched-basis statistics
CM Zhang, M Li, ZQ Yin, HW Li, W Chen, ZF Han
Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy 58, 1-4, 2015
280-km experimental demonstration of a quantum digital signature with one decoy state
HJ Ding, JJ Chen, L Ji, XY Zhou, CH Zhang, CM Zhang, Q Wang
Optics letters 45 (7), 1711-1714, 2020
Twin-field quantum digital signatures
CH Zhang, X Zhou, CM Zhang, J Li, Q Wang
Optics Letters 46 (15), 3757-3760, 2021
Experimental three-state measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution with uncharacterized sources
XY Zhou, HJ Ding, CH Zhang, J Li, CM Zhang, Q Wang
Optics Letters 45 (15), 4176-4179, 2020
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Articles 1–20