Ben Leong
Ben Leong
Associate Professor of Computer Science, National University of Singapore
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Cited by
A random linear network coding approach to multicast
T Ho, M Médard, R Koetter, DR Karger, M Effros, J Shi, B Leong
IEEE Transactions on information theory 52 (10), 4413-4430, 2006
Byzantine modification detection in multicast networks using randomized network coding
T Ho, B Leong, R Koetter, M Médard, M Effros, DR Karger
International Symposium onInformation Theory, 2004. ISIT 2004. Proceedings., 144, 2004
Geographic Routing without Planarization
B Leong, B Liskov, R Morris
3rd USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI ’06)., 2006
Path Vector Face Routing: Geographic Routing with Local Face Information
B Leong, S Mitra, B Liskov
13th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols, 2005 (ICNP 2005 …, 2005
Splash: Fast Data Dissemination with Constructive Interference in Wireless Sensor Networks
M Doddavenkatappa, MC Chan, B Leong
10th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI ’13), 2013
Epichord: Parallelizing the chord lookup algorithm with reactive routing state management
B Leong, B Liskov, ED Demaine
Computer Communications 29 (9), 1243-1259, 2006
Byzantine modification detection in multicast networks with random network coding
T Ho, B Leong, R Koetter, M Médard, M Effros, DR Karger
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 54 (6), 2798-2803, 2008
The great internet TCP congestion control census
A Mishra, X Sun, A Jain, S Pande, R Joshi, B Leong
Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems 3 (3 …, 2019
Re-factoring based program repair applied to programming assignments
Y Hu, UZ Ahmed, S Mechtaev, B Leong, A Roychoudhury
2019 34th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software …, 2019
Greedy Virtual Coordinates for Geographic Routing
B Leong, B Liskov, R Morris
IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP 2007), 71-80, 2007
Toward a random operation of networks
T Ho, M Médard, R Koetter, DR Karger, M Effros, J Shi, B Leong
submitted to IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 2004
BurstRadar: Practical real-time microburst monitoring for datacenter networks
R Joshi, T Qu, MC Chan, B Leong, BT Loo
Proceedings of the 9th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems, 1-8, 2018
Practical 3D geographic routing for wireless sensor networks
J Zhou, Y Chen, B Leong, PS Sundaramoorthy
Proceedings of the 8th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems …, 2010
Hydra: a massively-multiplayer peer-to-peer architecture for the game developer
L Chan, J Yong, J Bai, B Leong, R Tan
6th ACM SIGCOMM workshop on Network and system support for games (NetGames …, 2007
On the utility of network coding in dynamic environments
T Ho, B Leong, M Médard, R Koetter, YH Chang, M Effros
International Workshop on Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks, 2004., 196-200, 2004
An end-to-end measurement study of modern cellular data networks
Y Xu, Z Wang, WK Leong, B Leong
Passive and Active Measurement: 15th International Conference, PAM 2014, Los …, 2014
Network monitoring in multicast networks using network coding
T Ho, B Leong, YH Chang, Y Wen, R Koetter
Proceedings. International Symposium on Information Theory, 2005. ISIT 2005 …, 2005
SkyStitch: A cooperative multi-UAV-based real-time video surveillance system with stitching
X Meng, W Wang, B Leong
Proceedings of the 23rd ACM international conference on Multimedia, 261-270, 2015
Feasibility study of mobile phone WiFi detection in aerial search and rescue operations
W Wang, R Joshi, A Kulkarni, WK Leong, B Leong
Proceedings of the 4th Asia-Pacific workshop on systems, 1-6, 2013
SQR: In-network packet loss recovery from link failures for highly reliable datacenter networks
T Qu, R Joshi, MC Chan, B Leong, D Guo, Z Liu
2019 IEEE 27th International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP), 1-12, 2019
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Articles 1–20