Simovski Constantin
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Cited by
Metasurfaces: From microwaves to visible
SB Glybovski, SA Tretyakov, PA Belov, YS Kivshar, CR Simovski
Physics reports 634, 1-72, 2016
Simple and accurate analytical model of planar grids and high-impedance surfaces comprising metal strips or patches
O Luukkonen, C Simovski, G Granet, G Goussetis, D Lioubtchenko, ...
IEEE transactions on antennas and propagation 56 (6), 1624-1632, 2008
Strong spatial dispersion in wire media in the very large wavelength limit
PA Belov, R Marques, SI Maslovski, IS Nefedov, M Silveirinha, ...
Physical Review B 67 (11), 113103, 2003
Thin perfect absorbers for electromagnetic waves: theory, design, and realizations
Y Ra’di, CR Simovski, SA Tretyakov
Physical Review Applied 3 (3), 037001, 2015
Waves and energy in chiral nihility
S Tretyakov, I Nefedov, A Sihvola, S Maslovski, C Simovski
Journal of electromagnetic waves and applications 17 (5), 695-706, 2003
Wire metamaterials: physics and applications
CR Simovski, PA Belov, AV Atrashchenko, YS Kivshar
Advanced materials 24 (31), 4229-4248, 2012
Canalization of subwavelength images by electromagnetic crystals
PA Belov, CR Simovski, P Ikonen
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 71 (19), 193105, 2005
A thin electromagnetic absorber for wide incidence angles and both polarizations
O Luukkonen, F Costa, CR Simovski, A Monorchio, SA Tretyakov
IEEE transactions on antennas and propagation 57 (10), 3119-3125, 2009
Local constitutive parameters of metamaterials from an effective-medium perspective
CR Simovski, SA Tretyakov
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 75 (19), 195111, 2007
On electromagnetic characterization and homogenization of nanostructured metamaterials
CR Simovski
Journal of Optics 13 (1), 013001, 2010
Material parameters of metamaterials (a review)
CR Simovski
Optics and Spectroscopy 107, 726-753, 2009
High-impedance surfaces having stable resonance with respect to polarization and incidence angle
CR Simovski, P de Maagt, IV Melchakova
IEEE transactions on antennas and propagation 53 (3), 908-914, 2005
Broadband electromagnetic cloaking of long cylindrical objects
S Tretyakov, P Alitalo, O Luukkonen, C Simovski
Physical review letters 103 (10), 103905, 2009
An antenna model for the Purcell effect
AE Krasnok, AP Slobozhanyuk, CR Simovski, SA Tretyakov, ...
Scientific reports 5 (1), 12956, 2015
Analytical antenna model for chiral scatterers: comparison with numerical and experimental data
SA Tretyakov, F Mariotte, CR Simovski, TG Kharina, JP Heliot
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 44 (7), 1006-1014, 1996
Subwavelength imaging at infrared frequencies using an array of metallic nanorods
MG Silveirinha, PA Belov, CR Simovski
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 75 (3), 035108, 2007
Frequency range and explicit expressions for negative permittivity and permeability for an isotropic medium formed by a lattice of perfectly conducting Ω particles
CR Simovski, S He
Physics letters A 311 (2-3), 254-263, 2003
Homogenization of electromagnetic crystals formed by uniaxial resonant scatterers
PA Belov, CR Simovski
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 72 (2 …, 2005
Antenna array and unit cell using an artificial magnetic layer
J Säily, M Kaunisto, S Tretyakov, C Simovski
US Patent 7,471,247, 2008
Superdirective dielectric nanoantennas
AE Krasnok, CR Simovski, PA Belov, YS Kivshar
Nanoscale 6 (13), 7354-7361, 2014
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Articles 1–20