Cyrille Lavigne
Cyrille Lavigne
Postdoctoral Fellow (Aspuru-Guzik lab), Computer Science, University of Toronto
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Cited by
Data-driven strategies for accelerated materials design
R Pollice, G dos Passos Gomes, M Aldeghi, RJ Hickman, M Krenn, ...
Accounts of Chemical Research 54 (4), 849-860, 2021
Organic molecules with inverted gaps between first excited singlet and triplet states and appreciable fluorescence rates
R Pollice, P Friederich, C Lavigne, G dos Passos Gomes, A Aspuru-Guzik
Matter 4 (5), 1654-1682, 2021
Tequila: A platform for rapid development of quantum algorithms
JS Kottmann, S Alperin-Lea, T Tamayo-Mendoza, A Cervera-Lierta, ...
Quantum Science and Technology 6 (2), 024009, 2021
Reversible long range network formation in gold nanoparticle-nematic liquid crystal composites
J Milette, SJ Cowling, V Toader, C Lavigne, IM Saez, RB Lennox, ...
Soft Matter 8 (1), 173-179, 2012
Reversible long-range patterning of gold nanoparticles by smectic liquid crystals
J Milette, S Relaix, C Lavigne, V Toader, SJ Cowling, IM Saez, RB Lennox, ...
Soft Matter 8 (24), 6593-6598, 2012
Delocalized, asynchronous, closed-loop discovery of organic laser emitters
F Strieth-Kalthoff, H Hao, V Rathore, J Derasp, T Gaudin, NH Angello, ...
Science 384 (6697), eadk9227, 2024
A materials acceleration platform for organic laser discovery
TC Wu, A Aguilar‐Granda, K Hotta, SA Yazdani, R Pollice, J Vestfrid, ...
Advanced Materials 35 (6), 2207070, 2023
Routescore: punching the ticket to more efficient materials development
M Seifrid, RJ Hickman, A Aguilar-Granda, C Lavigne, J Vestfrid, TC Wu, ...
ACS Central Science 8 (1), 122-131, 2022
Ultrafast Computational Screening of Molecules with Inverted Singlet–Triplet Energy Gaps Using the Pariser–Parr–Pople Semiempirical Quantum Chemistry Method
K Jorner, R Pollice, C Lavigne, A Aspuru-Guzik
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 128 (12), 2445-2456, 2024
Toward quantum computing with molecular electronics
PWK Jensen, LB Kristensen, C Lavigne, A Aspuru-Guzik
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 18 (6), 3318-3326, 2022
Multiple interfaces in diffusional phase transitions in binary mesogen-nonmesogen mixtures undergoing metastable phase separations
ER Soulé, C Lavigne, L Reven, AD Rey
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 86 (1 …, 2012
Boramidine: A Versatile Structural Motif for the Design of Fluorescent Heterocycles
Y Lebedev, C Apte, S Cheng, C Lavigne, A Lough, A Aspuru-Guzik, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 142 (31), 13544-13549, 2020
Interfering resonance as an underlying mechanism in the adaptive feedback control of radiationless transitions: Retinal isomerization
C Lavigne, P Brumer
The Journal of chemical physics 147 (11), 2017
Automatic discovery of chemical reactions using imposed activation
C Lavigne, G dos Passos Gomes, R Pollice, A Aspuru-Guzik
Pulsed two-photon coherent control of channelrhodopsin-2 photocurrent in live brain cells
C Lavigne, P Brumer
The Journal of Chemical Physics 153 (3), 2020
Guided discovery of chemical reaction pathways with imposed activation
C Lavigne, G Gomes, R Pollice, A Aspuru-Guzik
Chemical Science 13 (46), 13857-13871, 2022
funsies: A minimalist, distributed and dynamic workflow engine
C Lavigne, A Aspuru-Guzik
Journal of Open Source Software 6 (66), 3274, 2021
Considerations regarding one-photon phase control
C Lavigne, P Brumer
arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.13878, 2019
A Materials Acceleration Platform for Organic Laser Discovery (Adv. Mater. 6/2023)
TC Wu, A Aguilar‐Granda, K Hotta, SA Yazdani, R Pollice, J Vestfrid, ...
Advanced Materials 35 (6), 2370042, 2023
An efficient spectral method for numerical time-dependent perturbation theory
C Lavigne, P Brumer
The Journal of Chemical Physics 151 (14), 2019
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Articles 1–20