Dr. Ilan Momber
Dr. Ilan Momber
Academic turned Energy Consultant
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Cited by
Regulatory framework and business models for charging plug-in electric vehicles: Infrastructure, agents, and commercial relationships
TG San Román, I Momber, MR Abbad, Á Sánchez Miralles
Energy policy 39 (10), 6360-6375, 2011
An economic analysis of used electric vehicle batteries integrated into commercial building microgrids
S Beer, T Gómez, D Dallinger, I Momber, C Marnay, M Stadler, J Lai
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 3 (1), 517-525, 2012
Future-proof tariff design: Recovering sunk grid costs in a world where consumers are pushing back
T Schittekatte, I Momber, L Meeus
Energy economics 70, 484-498, 2018
Risk Averse Scheduling by a PEV Aggregator under Uncertainty
I Momber, A Siddiqui, T Gómez San Román, L Söder
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 0
Retail pricing: A bilevel program for PEV aggregator decisions using indirect load control
I Momber, S Wogrin, TG San Román
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 31 (1), 464-473, 2015
Plug-in electric vehicle interactions with a small office building: An economic analysis using DER-CAM
I Momber, T Gómez, G Venkataramanan, M Stadler, S Beer, J Lai, ...
Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 2010 IEEE, 1-8, 2010
PEV Storage in Multi-Bus Scheduling Problems
I Momber, G Morales-España, A Ramos, T Gomez
Smart Grid, IEEE Transactions on 5 (2), 1079-1087, 2014
Assessment of the economic potential of microgrids for reactive power supply
J von Appen, C Marnay, M Stadler, I Momber, D Klapp, A von Scheven
Power Electronics and ECCE Asia (ICPE & ECCE), 2011 IEEE 8th International …, 2011
Assessment of the Economic Potential of Microgrids for Reactive Power Supply
J Appen, C Marnay, M Stadler, I Momber, D Klapp, A Scheven
PEV fleet scheduling with electricity market and grid signals Charging schedules with capacity pricing based on DSO's long run marginal cost
I Momber, T Gómez, L Söder
2013 10th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), 1-8, 2013
The added economic and environmental value of plug-in electric vehicles connected to commercial building microgrids
M Stadler, I Momber, O Mégel, T Gómez, C Marnay, S Beer, J Lai, ...
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab.(LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States), 2010
Benefits of EV-supplier-aggregators and distribution system operators from applying smart charging of plug-in electric vehicles
I Momber, T Gomez, M Rivier, C Mateo
Proc. Cigrè Int. Symp. the Electric Power System of the Future: Integrating …, 2011
The effect of mobility forecasts for stochastic charge scheduling of aggregated PEV
I Momber, T Gómez
IEEE PES ISGT Europe 2013, 1-5, 2013
New actors and business models for the integration of EV in power systems
M Rivier, T Gómez, R Cossent, I Momber
Mobile Energy Resources In Grids of Electricity, 2011
An MPEC for electricity retail alternatives of plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) aggregators
I Momber, S Wogrin, T Gómez
2014 Power Systems Computation Conference, 1-7, 2014
Benefits of Coordinating Plug-In Electric Vehicles in Electric Power Systems
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2015
Regulatory framework and business models integrating EVs in power systems
I Momber, T Gómez, M Rivier
Electric Vehicle Integration into Modern Power Networks, 251-271, 2012
Merge D5. 1-new actors and business models for the integration of electric vehicles
I Momber, R Cossent Arín, T Gómez San Román, ML Rivier Abbad
Identification of regulatory issues regarding market design and network regulation to efficiently integrate electric vehicles in electricity grids
I Momber, M Rivier, R Cossent, JT Saraiva, K Kanellopoulos, P Adrianesis
Regulatory framework and business models integrating electric vehicles in power systems
I Momber, T Gómez, M Rivier
Springer, 2013
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Articles 1–20